𝟙.𝟝: 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕠𝕣𝕖

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—Narrator's perspective—

          Arabella jotted her pencil smoothly on the paper, eyes stayed glued to it while she wrote everthing that comes at mind. It's been too long since she's written in a journal which Stefan advised her to do since it helps him sometimes. She avoided it ever since Stefan died, afraid that she'll break down again and again. Thought Arabella thinks she's being dramatic and gave up, writing on the journal again.

Her legs was crossed over her leg, the journal on her lap while she comfortably wrote silently. She's been in Alaric's office since the minute he left, told her that she needs to help Hope on the supernatural test with Landon.

Arabella has yet to know if the boy should stay and hope that he belongs here. Nobody knows really what he is and why can't he be compelled. She also had to visit Kaleb down at the cellar, apologise multiple times of what Alaric did and planned on helping him get out.

"A journal? Really?" Hope questioned with a teasing smile before closing the door behind her. She sat down in front of Arabella who smiled while never taking her eyes off the parchment.

"Stefan makes wrong decisions but he gives great advice." She simply replied and continued to write, the only thing echoing in the room was how her pencil was smoothly running against the paper.

Hope seemed surprised but still, she shook it off. "How was it, anyways? You know, being friends with my dad and mom."

"It was great. Though, Hayley wanted to kill me the first time we met." She informed and finally looked up to Hope, feeling a weird sensation run down her spine when she did. "And your dad was... well, he's Klaus?" The uncertainty of her tone made Hope laugh and nod in understanding.

"Why did mom wanted to kill you?" The auburn haired girl asked in curiosity, all she ever felt since Arabella revealed who she was, was curiosity and wanted to get to know her more.

Before Arabella could answer her question, someone knocked on the door and opened it afterwards. He looked surprised to see Hope sitting there.

"What are you doing here?" Landon specifically said to Hope who turned around in an annoyed mood when she saw him.

"Dr. Saltzman wanted us to administer your tests, starting with some weird mystical blood analysis." Arabella informed and closed her notebook shut before standing up in a sigh.

Landon turned over to Hope. "No."

"Excuse me?" Hope raised her eyebrow and looked at him.

"No. These tests determine whether or not I get to stay at the school, right? There is no way I'm putting my future in your hands; you're biased." He finished and turned to Arabella for help.

"I'm not biased." The tribrid defended in an emotionless tone. "Besides, neither of us has a choice. Believe me, this is not how I would choose to spend my day either."

Landon sighed. "See? Biased." He turned to leave but Arabella stopped him.

"Last thing that you told me was that you wanted to find answers about who or what you are." Hope managed to convince him when he turned around again. "I want those answers, too. So let's just get through this."

𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 ; Hope Mikaelson ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now