𝟙.𝟛: 𝕎𝕖'𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℙ𝕦𝕟𝕜𝕖𝕕, ℙ𝕖𝕕𝕣𝕠

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—Narrator's perspective—

          "It was a misconception yet, Alaric blamed me for it." Arabella complained, throwing her hands in the air from having to rant 3 minutes straight to Emma who tried her best to catch up on everything. "Then there was me comforting Hope last night because Alaric flat out told her she's acting like her dad when he could have said thank you for not turning into ash yesterday. I swear to god that man will be the death of me one day." She groaned, hands were covering her face.

Emma on the other hand looked at the girl in shock but kept her posture from falling. "I've seen we have a lot to discuss but let's start from what Dr. Saltzman told Hope. It looks as if the incident is riling you up this morning."

"Alaric found out that Hope was carrying a death spell around her all day yesterday. I saw her tear it from a grimiore the morning before we left and I couldn't just tell on her." She huffed.

"So you were doing a favor for a friend?" Emma questioned, getting back to the topic.

"I was helping a friend." She corrected. "When we got back from our little hunt, She cried and I couldn't just let her deal with the burden of it alone. Clearly she misses Hayley and Klaus but Ric had to ruin her 'moving on stage' for her."

Emma simply nodded, thinking on a possibility on why Arabella was acting this way. "Arabella is there a chance on why you're mad at Ric for all these?"

"Yes and I simply conclude to him being a total asshat who has no remorse when it comes to Hope." She deducted which earned Emma to stop herself from laughing.

"Or maybe you have significant feelings towards Hope." Emma raised her eyebrow, studying bow Arabella looked at her in disbelief.

"I don't have feelings for Hope." She said and when the words rolled off her tongue, it didn't feel right. "How did that topic came up anyways?"

Emma cleared her throat to speak. "Then can you give me a much more conclusive explanation why you have the impulse to protect Hope?"

"Because..." Arabella trailed her words off which caused Emma to give her a look. "She's hurting, all right? Besides, it's already bad enough that I have to keep the secret of me knowing her whole family to a down low."

"Are you certain of your choice?" Emma was already answering for her inside her head. It was clear and obvious to anyone who have a sharp enough eye to see how defensive Ara looks when it comes to Hope.

She nodded without a doubt. Well, maybe a little but she'll never confess that. "We've known each other in less than a week. I'm positive."


"Ric, I loathe you." Arabella whispered and looked back to meet the man's eyes who screamed 'I know'.

"It's just so we can keep your head down. Don't you want that?" He fired back, the two was constantly bickering like two old friends in the library lounge.

They were waiting for the three witches and Arabella killed the time in arguing with Ric. If he wasn't scared of her then, she definitely does now.

"I am suppose to be in the Mystic Grill today, with Elena and Damon. Instead, I will be in the town square, picking up trash and possibly acting like a child who got framed!" She whispered loudly and wanted to flip the chair away.

𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 ; Hope Mikaelson ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now