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Dedicated to someone I am 100% positive will fall in love with this book at first sight. Jessicaotuya01


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It was the 20th of December 2017 and we were all having a family meeting. I mean we could have been in Lekki Palms Mall or Lekki Conservative Center but No! We were all in the sitting room this hot Sunday after discussing my punishment. A punishment for a crime I did not commit.

I'm sure you're probably confused as to how I got my self into this deep shit. Well let me rewind to last night, after I went to bed with Zoe's words of her getting back at me for being sarcastic hovering in my chest. I woke up 3 hours later with the most unbelievable lie that was cooked up just to frame me.

At exactly 10pm last night mom came up to my room and dragged me out of my bed- which I was still fast asleep in, all the way down to sitting room. Zoe sat down there with crocodile tears streaming down from her eyes. I eyed her skeptically wondering what was going on and my question was answered by the video playing on our flat screen tv

It was a video of Zoe acting as me threatening to strip her clothes off. As if it wasn't enough, she played bear pong and ended up kissing a random guy in the video. She was dressed in the same brown top and black skirt she took from my room that night.

How is mom and dad stupidly buying this video? No offence, but even a new born baby would tell that this was clearly Zoe dressed up as me and acting like me just to get me in trouble all for what? Because I was sarcastic to her.

I groaned out when Zoe wouldn't stop crying and mom was being the best mother she could by raining insults on me. It was sad though that she didn't even give me a chance to explain. As far as I was concerned, Zoe is the good girl doing her "Sisterly duties" by showing them this fake video - which she obviously photo shopped so well, making sure I appeared nasty to mom and dad. While she obviously appeared as the knight in shining armour saving me from my "bad behavior."

Mom was the only one doing the talking while Dad was quiet. Dangerously quiet which was Piercing my skin every second.

"Jessa Olamipo Chloe Babajide how could you? Why the sudden change of behaviour? What if someone else saw you? Chloe. I am highly disappointed in you. I may have expected this from Zoe but c'mon not you. You are better, you know better than to drink and get wasted!"

"Mom it wasn't m--"

"Enough! Stop trying to lie to cover up what you did. How could you tell me it's not you, when it's clearly you. No one had that Brown and black outfit like you and look the brown top has your name on it! So what other cock and bull story do you want to tell me? "

I sighed knowing it was no use trying to explain to her. Heck! How could I when she wouldn't even give me a chance to explain myself? It was few minutes to 12am when she finally gave it a rests and dad spoke with anger and disappointments evident on his voice.

𝐀 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞✔Where stories live. Discover now