2kim - not you

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"and that's it? you're really choosing her over us? do you even know her?!" yena whisper-shouted.

minju, in front of her friends could only roll her eyes for bringing this topic up over and over again. "gosh. i thought we've talked about this? why are we going back to the very very previous topic?"

"to remind you every single day that you need to leave chaewon. really, minju. she's just poisoning your mind with cringey and sure we were will never be fulfill promises" eunbi added which everyone agreed to.

"are you guys on drugs or something? there's actually nothing's wrong about her–"

"well because you refuse to believe what we're saying" says another person, hyewon. "minju, she's a psycho! that's not even a rumor. that's the freaking truth" now sakura entered the chat.

yuri just sat there, silent. but sure as hell her mind was filled with words to throw at minju.

minju chuckled. she felt betrayed somehow. how could her friends say they'll support her in everything she'll do but doing exactly otherwise.

"any evidence though? prove it first then i'll do what you asked me to"

"think about this, min." eunbi said with her serious look. the four just shut up cuz they know she's really serious when she does it.

"can't we just talk about our project without mentioning something unwanted shits about my girl?" the four girls sighed and just gave in.

minju spent half of the day again doing projects or just planning how to do it. boring, mostly stressful. how minju loves the night. a night filled with kisses and cuddles from chaewon. perfect.

"stress again? i told you, you shouldn't stress yourself that much. your eyes looked so tired" minju couldn't even hide her smiles anymore, hearing that from chaewon while showering her with soft kisses after going back home. who would even frown, right?

"no. i'm fine" kinda a lie. but sure minju is, after seeing an angel she's totally fine. "have you cooked? i can smell it here" minju immediately ran to kitchen without even caring to change clothes.

chaewon smiled at her cute girlfriend.


as morning whispered at minju's ears, she knew if she opened those eyes she would see a beautiful human– not just human. we can call chaewon an angel. as well as minju's point of view, chaewon also felt the same. really felt it.

neither of them spoke. just stared at each other and smiled. "are we just gonna do this until afternoon?" chaewon chuckled. "if you insist at doing so..." minju shrugged. "why not"

"you know what. i would love to do that but sorry, chae. i really am. yuri and i had planned a meet up today" said minju, so early in the morning yet she's already thinking about the meet up. "it's really important"

chaewon grinned. "it's okay, it's okay. we still have sunday" minju's face lit up. how she wish to slap chaewon's whole existence at her friends face to stop creating that nonsense rumors or whatever about chaewon.

"you can't resist me, don't you?" minju smirked. "well..." chaewon looked down and suddenly starts tickling her girlfriend.

after the laughing session, the two fixed themselves, ate breakfast and watched tv before minju could leave.

"so yeah... be careful" chaewon pulled minju for a simple kiss. "of course" minju whispered before leaving.

as minju sat in front of yuri, the hamster– started the topic once again for she didn't got to speak last time. God. if she could grab a knife, it would already be planted in yuri's throat.

"yuri yuri yuri. i would like it even better if chaewon would stab me to death. being killed by her is heavenly" thirty percent joke. seventy percent truth. minju grinned and sipped at her coffee.

"y-you're fucking crazy"

"yes i know, crazy enough to ask chaewon if she could stab you tonight if you won't stop" minju threatened. giving yuri a playful smirk.

"oh devil"

"sure" minju winked.

proceeding at preparing their presentation next week, yuri looked at minju. how she wants to change her mind. "you know what happened last last week, right?" minju looked up at her. yuri unlocked her phone and showed minju something. "the cops saw this in the crime scene" an ax with small three letters written at the side. "k.cw"

"what are you trying to tell me? that could be somebody too, you know" minju just shrugged it despite feeling a sudden fear.

"seriously? when will you understand us? we're just protecting you" yuri held her hand, softly caressing it. "we love you"

"yeah i love you too" they both smiled at each other. after hours of doing the presentation, the two finally finished it and immediately went home.


now the moon shines.

"i don't want to watch horror!" chaewon yelled. minju just chuckled, "come here" chaewon then positioned herself at the space between minju's legs. now tell minju how did chaewon become a psycho.

"that's not a horror" minju laughed behind chaewon as she hugged the scared girl. "yeah fine"

in the middle of watching the movie, minju's hands went inside's chaewon shirt, caressing her bare skin. the older hummed at the touch. "you know it wasn't me, right? all the k.cw at the knife, ax or whatever. you know it's not me, right minju?"

"of course it's not you, that angelic face of yours could never do such crimes" chaewon smiled and let her head fall at minju's shoulder. "let me grab a water first" asked minju

"yes sure" chaewon, of course didn't let minju leave without kissing her.

as chaewon  faced minju's back, they both smirk without knowing. after grabbing the "water", minju stood up in front of chaewon, blocking the screen.

chaewon stood up as well, pulling minji into a sudden kiss. "i know it's not you, chaewon" minju whispered causing the other girl to frowned, slowly walking backwards. "because..." she traced her fingers at chaewon's jaw.

"because it's me"

chaewon's eyes went wide, oh how too late for her to run.

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