The Tape

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"I got it!" Antonio said. "I got the original film." Everyone got up and ran to the computer. Antonio presses play. 

"Parden me." They hear from the tape. "Can you help me find the Post Office?" Antonio paused the tape. 

"That's the guy that was looking at me weird. That's why I left, so I wouldn't blow Erin's cover."

 "It's okay. Play the rest of the tape." Voight says. 

"Do you understand?!" 

"Yes." They see Erin and the stranger walk off and the tape ends. No one recognizes the guy. 

"I want the best analyzer to look over every second of this video and find out who that is!" Demanded Voight. 

"Halstead, can I talk to you?" He asked.

"Sure." They walk into Voight's office and he shuts the door. 

"I know you are willing to do anything to get Erin back. I am too. You want to take a little drive?" He asked. Halstead nodded his head.

About Seventeen minutes later they arrived at a bar. "What are we doing here?" Halstead asked but Voight just kept walking. They walked in the bar and everyone turned around in silence. 

"Voight, hey man. Nice to see you again. What can I do for you?" A man says. 

"One of my detectives is missing." He says softly. "I have a video of who took my detective, but we can't identify who he is." 

"No problem," The man says. 

"This is Daniel. He's one of the guys I go to if I'm in a jam. Plus, he owes me a favor." Voight explains. Voight, Halstead, and Daniel walk into the back room. There is a dozen computers and software that was extremely high-tech. Daniel plugs in the USB and a link pops up. He started to play the tape but stopped it right away. 

"Voight." He said sadly. "I'm so sorry. It's Erin." 

"Ya, I know but we will get her back. Even if it is the last thing I do." Voight Explained. Daniel watched the tape and paused it on the best view of the strangers face. 

He types a passcode in and says, "It will take a few minutes. I have a lot of people in the system." When he was done talking we heard a beep. "His name is, Aiden James." Says Daniel.

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