1. Hockey Sticks, Hockey Pucks, and Hockey Team

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It had been a whole summer. A whole summer has passed since the happiest day of my life. The day the Ducks won the championships. I'm now 15 and Charlie is turning 15 this coming month. We had spent every day of our summer hanging out with school friends, chilling with the ducks, playing street hockey, and just being our dorky selves. But sadly, the best things had to come to an end and just in a few hours, we were on our way to Eden Hall, the biggest school in Minnesota.

About two weeks ago, Charlie and I helped each other fill out our applications and we were just about to send them in until we got a visit from Dwayne, Luis, and Russ letting us know that we don't have to apply because we're already in: the Ducks will be getting scholarships! My mom was really happy to hear that and she was glad I was going to be getting a good education at a great academy but the even better thing was that Charlie would be with me, and she loved when we were together because she knew he would look out for me. But every school year, the thing I hated most and Charlie loved the most was school shopping. My mom loved to get me into the girly section, making me try on dresses, skirts, t-shirts, and heels, when all I wanted was a few pairs of jeans and maybe a hoodie and I was good to go. Charlie always signed himself up to come shopping with us because he just loved watching me be tortured. He would sit in the chair and laugh as I came out wearing too girly clothes for my personality to handle.


Charlie helped as we carried boxes from the truck into our new home to be. My mom had figured since we lived most our life in Minneapolis Minnesota, why not live here? We had just bought a two story house with a surprisingly really nice backyard and I liked it because it felt like home with the same set up plan but just a tad bit of an upgrade. Upstairs, my room was the door farthest, so down the short hallway and to the left. Charlie and I each had a big box in hand and as we walked in, we stopped in our tracks looking around.

"Home sweet home." I sighed with a smile.

"I love it more than our last home. But it will never be forgotten, long live the St. Cloud house." Charlie said also with a smile. There was a bay window straight ahead and a good size closet in the right corner but came with no closet doors.

"A curtain will do." I shrugged, Charlie and I chuckling. We set the box down and we laid onto the floor. My room was a complete mess, still a work in progress with a half built bed, half built dresser, what can I say? Everything was half put together from me and Charlie trying to be independent but then giving up and getting either bored or confused moving onto the next thing.

"So...you haven't picked your classes yet right? We promised we would do it together." Charlie turned his head to look at me sideways as we still laid on the ground.

"Yep, cause I totally wanted to dis-clude you from my biggest decision." I said sarcastically. "No conway. I would never." I smiled. He returned the favor.

"Hey char...what's your goals for this year? I mean.. we're gunna be freshy's so it's gunna be hard for us to put together a friend group outside of the Ducks, or try to figure out our future careers."

"Oh please, I'm not even worried." Charlie said as he raised his arms up bending his elbows to where he used his hands as a head rest. "My main focus is hockey. And what other career could I even get? I'm obviously sticking with hockey because duhh, I'm Captain Conway." He said with a little brag in his tone.

"Hmm, we'll see about that. But other than hockey you have no goals at all? Grades or education wise? Or even just in reality?" I was looking at my ceiling.

"Nope. 100% hockey sticks, hockey pucks, and hockey team." He said, without a worry in the world.

Boy, was he wrong. Oh we were in for it, alright. I just wish I would have seen what was coming the Ducks way...

A/N: okay this is just a catch up with Brynn n Charlie, Adam will come in soon. So in this book, Brynn will be kinda telling it like presently as it happens but also in the future so that's why right now, she's looking back at the week before she started school and thinking of all the things that happened in freshman year and Charlie's hopes were wrong. But, as the story goes on, you'll be able to tell when it's being written presently. Sorry I know it doesn't make much sense!

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now