15. You Don't Own Her, Banks

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3 months. Yep you heard, 3 whole months without him. Its now November and it's so hard to ignore Adam at practices and games but I did and it gets easier along the way. There was rumors over the school we "broke up" but I explained to any one who asked we are taking a break. Adam got the message too apparently because on a regular Tuesday, it wasn't so regular.

I was walking to school with Charlie and Guy by my side. I was at my locker and Guy was leaning up next to it with his arm against it talking to me.

"I also heard we're getting a new player on the team. It's a girl I'm pretty sure."

"That's pretty cool. She a transfer?" I asked him. He nodded. "Oh nice."

A few girls walked by whispering and looking at us. I didn't like them, they were the two biggest gossip girls of the school.

"You know Germaine, your gunna have to stop being so close to me because it doesn't look good with Connie and Adam." I whispered to him. He laughed and smirked.

"Well hey, I'm trying to get as close as I can to third base. Cause if the people want a show, I'll give them a show." He winked and I gagged. We both started laughing knowing he was playing around. I started to notice Guy did these stupid things to get on my nerves or just to mess around, he would never do anything like that to Connie. He walked me to almost all of my classes making sure Adam didn't come near me, he's been doing this for the past few weeks along with Charlie, Luis, and Fulton too. They were like security guards which was pretty annoying.

At lunch time I no longer sat with varsity, I sat with my real friends. Of course I still talked to them and at practice or games I was with them cause I had to be. Every day at lunch, Adam would look at me; some days it's a sympathetic look and others it's like a "who even are you" look.

The day had finally ended and we didn't have practice today due to something being fixed in the arena. But coach gave us a list of things to just practice at home or some where else.

At the end of the day, Connie and Guy came up to me.

"Hey Brynn. Listen we got the best idea to piss off Adam. But you need to listen carefully okay?" She had a smirk and I was scared but I nodded.

"Alright, what's up?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Me and Guy are going to pretend and tell Adam we "broke up." Adam will soon realize Guy's trying to get at you. It will give Adam a taste of his own medicine." She explained and Guy was nodding excitedly.

"No, no, no, no, no. This ain't a good idea. I don't want to interfere with your guys's relationship. I don't care if it's fine to you or not, it's not to me." I started walking towards the street I usually go on.

"Listen Brynn. Nothing bad will happen it's just acting. And Adam will soon see what he did wrong. So it's good for all of us and after today, we'll forget about it. Act like it never happened." Connie and Guy both told me saying different parts.

"Fine whatever. Just for like a few minutes right?" I asked and Connie nodded. I was scared that Guy would get too lost and try to do something stupid. But I trust Guy will have a limit.

"Look, here he comes!" Connie whisper shouted and she hit Guy acting like she didn't like him and ran away while Guy put his arm around my waist and was really close to me. He started talking about random funny things which made me laugh and he tried to be over the top to get into Adam's face. I saw out of the corner of my eye Adam was looking at us. He was standing next to varsity players. Guy spun me around to where I was facing him and he put his hand on my cheek looking into my eyes.

Whoah, for pretending he was super good at flirting. Connie got lucky with such a heart throb. And I'm sure if he wasn't taken by Connie and Adam wasn't here, I would probably be swooning over him. Bleh, I don't want to imagine that. But this wasn't about Guy.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now