7. Making Up For All The Unsaid ILY's

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School had ended and I was happy for a moment until my happiness was ripped away from me. I remembered I owed miss teach some time from laughing in class with Char and Adam. I groaned as I walked slowly out of B building heading to C. I saw Adam and Charlie walking. They were talking and laughing about something. I loved to see Adam with his friends because he always had a smile on his face that was contagious and he was always so happy with them. His eyes had light in them whenever he just looked at Charlie or Guy. You could see he loved them dearly, probably more than me who is his kinda..girlfriend. I have to get used to that.

"Come on Dorks. The devils awaiting us and we best not be late before our heads are chopped off." I said not happy about being there. Charlie smiled.

"Pretty true. I'm sure if it was legal to cut heads off, she sure would be the first person." He said.

"Honestly though." Adam said while throwing his head back and laughing.

We walked into the class where the teacher was sitting there at her desk. She was grading essays I'm sure.

"Have a seat, children." she said not even looking up. I raised an eyebrow at Adam before taking a seat.

I was really debating on whether I should or shouldn't do the door thing again. Even though it was the reason I had gotten myself in detention, I didn't care, it was fun. But I didn't do it, I knew Charlie would tattle on me to my mom.

We sat down giving each other funny looks, not knowing what to do. I slouched down making myself comfortable and starting throwing a ball against the ceiling as it made a constant same noise as it hit the desk and ceiling.

*Thump, doom. Thump, doom. Thump, doom.*

"Silence, please." She said looking at me, as I caught the small bouncy ball.

I scoffed quietly and started tapping a pencil against the desk. She looked at me but I kept doing it acting like I didn't see her.

"Why would you keep on pushing the limits, Brynn?" She rolled her eyes and I half smiled.

"Eh I don't know, can't sit still I guess." She nodded then spoke again.

"Well your gunna have to learn then, because I want silence."

"Well if you wanted silence, you should have thought of that before picking us three to hold back your time." I said snapping back. Adam gave me a look so I looked down.

"You obviously don't know us because you didn't make the right choice if you wanted silence." Charlie laughed which made me laugh.

"Mister Conway I advise you keep your mouth shut." She said and he slouched down not making eye contact with her.

I rolled my eyes. "You can't make us shut up when, again, you pulled this card on yourself." I told her giving her a serious look.

"Fine. Stay silent for about 7 more minutes and I'm letting you go. But keep talking, and I'll make you stay longer. But I'm doing this for my pleasure, not yours." She walked away with her hands behind her back.

I looked at Charlie and Adam and gave them a "your welcome" face. Charlie smiled and mouthed "thank you" while Adam gave a disgusted and annoyed face at me. He rolled his eyes scoffed then looked away.

Hey buddy I just got us out of detention, you should be thanking my ass. Whatever.

We got out of detention and we started walking home. Adam and Charlie called their moms, explaining what had happened. We stopped by my house and I had to explain to my mom yet it was harder, but funnier to get through to her.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now