14. My Protectors

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The week had started and on Monday, we had practice which was a normal day. Nothing really happened with Guy and luckily it didn't because Connie was starting to suspect something.

It was now Tuesday which was a game day. This would be our teams fourth game, the last few we won so we were sort of undefeated. I'm not going to lie when I stepped on the ice seeing the big buff opposing team, I was a little scared. We took our places and bam, the puck was down on the ice, game was in play.

After 1st quarter, I looked up and saw Bombay, which caused my whole mood to change. My face brightened up as I waved to him excitedly and he waved back. I turned back to my coach for the next plays.

We ended up winning the game as the buzzer went off, Scooter had shot it in.

19-3. Not bad. The Ducks were there to congratulate us and they had practice afterwards. Our schedules were crazy because at times we would share the rinks and today was one of those days. Connie and Julie were the first ones to rush and hug me.

"Good game Brynn! Next time, I'm so taking them down." Charlie hugged me saying before we pulled away laughing.

"You did pretty amazing, not better than me of course." Guy said also giving me a side hug with a smile.

"Thanks guys." I said smiling.

"Oh yeah, Adam's kinda important too. Not like he's always been the best player of our team." Avermen said sarcastically like it's not a big deal. We all started laughing as Adam pretended to take offense to it.

"Hey Adam! Over here!" We all turned and looked to see the blonde Veronica waving her hand at Adam batting her eye lashes. Adam's face was puzzled as we all shrugged.

"Oh that's my friend. Well kinda friend, I only know her because Riley and her dated. She's pretty alright." Adam said faking a smile. I chuckled at him.

"Well go see what she needs, lover boy." I said jokingly. Adam rolled his eyes before he started skating towards her.

"Yeah, she's waitin' for yuh!" Goldberg called out to Adam as he was making his way over towards her. He turned around and flipped off Goldberg. "Why thank you!" Goldberg shouted and we all laughed.

We all made small talk and some jokes about Adam and Veronica. Charlie then said that they needed to get going to get changed. I also agreed that I needed to get changed out of my gear too. We all started walking towards the locker rooms but I waited at the door for Adam to come. I was talking to Guy and Charlie about the dance and our coach, well theirs. But I still counted him as my coach. I watched intently as Veronica was really close to his face and she had her usual smirk on. I heard her ask Adam if he liked her new skirt for cheerleading.  Adam kept a smile on his face the whole time, either he meant it or he was trying to be nice.

What the hell is she trying to pull? This is getting somewhere and I don't like it.

She pulled Adam's hand and put them on her waist. Adam looked confused but laughed. She put her hands on his shoulder and then got on her toes. Adam was smiling the whole time which made me feel a little sad. She leaned in to..KISS HIM?!

I was so shocked I couldn't move or speak. I didn't know if I wanted to punch her or run away and never look at them again. The sight disgusted me. Not a crying sad type but a literal "I'm going to puke" sight. I saw as Adam stood there shocked but not moving. Luckily the whole stadium was cleared. Or so I thought. Just then I noticed Charlie and Guy still standing next to me. Their faces looked furious and never have I EVER seen Guy so red before.

I threw my stick down and walked away quickly. Behind me, I heard screaming of Guy's voice then Charlie's but I tuned it out. I was so furious and confused and disgusted, I could care less about what they would do or say to Adam. I wanted to punch something, then scream at Adam, then knee Veronica in her gut, then rant to Charlie about it, and then maybe cry.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now