3. And your so dead

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That day, Charlie helped me unpack and rearrange my room. The guy sure did have a style and a girl side, even for a dude. There are times when I feel like we should switch body's with how tom-boyish I am and how feminine he can be at times.

I put my bed against the far left corner, next to the Bay window and I had a bunch of sports things hanging up everywhere: posters, trophies, medals, pucks, old sticks, etc. I had a small desk next to my closet stacked with all sorts of books and homework Eden Hall had sent early. I had my dresser and bookshelf against a small part of a wall on the right side of the room. I decided I guess I could put a little girl decor because of Charlie's sake, so we hung a few light strings from the ceiling down my wall and some cool record CD's on my wall, not that I was a fan of it much.

"There. Looks like home." I looked around. Felt like something was missing but I loved it. I smiled at our success.

"Dinner's ready guys!" My mom called from down stairs. Charlie and I rushed down stairs to the kitchen. The whole house was basically put together now just not quite finished.

After we finished eating, me and Charlie talked a lot about school and what we had planned.

"Trust me, the Ducks are gunna rule." He said taking a bite of his sweet grilled chicken, my favorite. I nodded, but I wasn't so sure about how that was supposed to work.

He does understand we're going to be FRESHMAN in a school where SENIORS rule, not us Ducks. Three other grades ahead of us. We're the NEWBIES, char. Ugh, you dork.

"So how's Adam?" Charlie asked. I stopped chewing and looked up at him. He raised an eyebrow at my non response.

"ADAM! I haven't talked to him ever since we've started packing to move, I've been so busy I forgot! Do you think he'll be mad? Oh my gosh, I've gotta call him. Even better, I've gotta tell him about the Eden Hall reception where they get to announce us our scholarships!" I got up quickly, clearing my plate and grabbing my phone. I was about to turn to head upstairs until Charlie stopped me.

He's been away at the Hockey camp so we only hung out once this whole summer which was at the bonfire and here I am living a few blocks from him and he doesn't even know yet!

"Brynn Brynn, chill. Gosh your more of a spaz than me. He'll understand okay." Charlie said laughing. "On the other hand, no one told me about a reception?! I thought we got those in the mail." He said thinking with a confused look on his face. I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's at the school, I'll explain later." I said while I was upstairs already, turning down the hall and into my now bedroom. I dialed his number and as it was ringing, I was trying to find my skates and coat.

"Come on, banks. pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up," I repeated to myself, as I struggled to put on one shoe with one hand. I heard a voice.

"Brynn? This you?" He said, sounding like he was worried.

"ADAM! I am so, so, sorry I completely forgot to let you know I was moving so I was busy packing and then I gotta call about Eden Hall with the whole scholarship thing and Charlie was making me—" he cut me off, laughing.

"Whoah whoah. I'm glad you called, I'm not mad I was just getting a little worried. But moving?! Where too??" I bit my bottom lip, it was a bad habit.

"Well..here. Minneapolis. With you guys." I said smiling.

"HOLY CRAP! NO WAY!" He said getting excited.

"Yep. Get your skates on and meet me by the pond. I've missed you so much, you have no idea and I have to fill you in. See you in 5."

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now