23. Yet

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It was our last day of freshman year and the Seniors were all in red, white, and blue gown. Every one who was passing was in red and the one who were honors wore a white gown, and blue I'm not really sure.

As every one were going separate ways and said bye to the few seniors who were amazing, I noticed Charlie was missing and I knew exactly where he was. I walked into the big tall doors that were located on the other side of the school. Everything was empty despite one tall figure leaning over the boards. I approached him.

"Needed a fresh breather?" I asked him while I rested my arms over the top of the boards with no glass attached.

"I just feel...incomplete with no ice around me." He told me, still fixing his gaze on the ice in front of us where we beat varsity.

"Hm. You know, I understand that. Because the Ice is apart of us Char. So you can't shake it off." I said looking at him.

He breathed out heavily and you could see the air because of the cold temperature they kept it at. Then the doors opened again and we heard footsteps approach us, but neither of us looked to see who it was.

"You two didn't want to leave the ice either?" It was Adam's voice, he repeated my action and took the spot next to me, leaning over the ice and resting his arms on the boards.

"Yep." Me and Charlie both replied together.

"Hey you guys can't leave me!" Guy said as he walked in.

"Eh, you were too busy with Connie. Go back to your other lovebird." Adam said waving his hand at Guy.

Guy rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up." He did the same as us and placed his hands over the boards with all of us. It was silent for a few minutes as we all took in the arena and the ice.

"Well..." Guy said quietly.

"This is it." Adam finished a minute later.

"We made it." I said quietly.

Guy pulled himself up and hopped over the boards.

"Let's go, guys." He said motioning for us. We all hopped over. We started slipping with no skates on and Adam tackled me in a hug pushing me to the ground.

"Dog pile!" Charlie yelled hopping on top of Adam and Guy was on top of Charlie.

"Dude, your gunna break me." I said hoarsely as Adam laughed at me. They all got up and we all laid on the ice with our heads together making a weird star shape.

"You guys..It's us four now. It's us four against the world. So we can't leave now, we're stuck." Guy said.

"No ones leaving. We have each other and that's all we need." Adam said. I kept staring at the ceiling of the arena and I took a deep breath in and released it.

"What if we split up one day? I mean, we're all going to have go our own ways some time. But us four...we need to go somewhere close. I don't want us to be more than..hmm. An hour away." I said.

"Your joking right? I mean I understand where you're coming from but Brynn." Guy scoffed before continuing. "I would love to be near the Ducks but Connies got so much plans and-"

"Yeah and my dad has my whole future already planned out like I can't deny." Adam said.

"Okay but Adam, Guy. That's your dad and girlfriend, what do you guys want to do? I mean really, what're you interested in? Because as soon as we're 18, we decide how we want our lives to go." I told them, making every one go silent.

"Okay your right, but that still doesn't mean anything yet." Adam said looking over at me sideways from our spot laying down.

"Right. Yet." I said quietly and Adam grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now