19. Numbing the Pain

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I changed quickly and left my hair down, I walked out to Adrians sports car with Connie and Adam inside it. Adrian didn't have much room in his car so he had to make multiple trips dropping off people at the party, with us three being the last ones.

We rolled up to the party in the car and I was a little scared. Connie was excited, especially when you pull up to a party of older grades in a fancy sports car with a boy, I guess it makes you kinda cool, to her. But to me, I wanted to disappear. Don't get me wrong, my whole team knows I love to party, parties are my thing. But after today, they were not my thing right now. I really didn't want to be in big crowds. I planned to find a beer, a roof, and get outside by myself to look at the stars. There were people outside who looked at us and inside when we walked in. Sandra Dee came up to us and she gave Connie a hug. She knew me and Adam weren't the hugging type so she just did a handshake with us. I really liked her because she was the cool kind of popular, where every one knew her because she was nice, funny, and always there for you. Her friends weren't my favorite but she was my favorite junior.

I walked in going straight to the kitchen, squeezing past people, saying hi to a few. I reached into the fridge and took out a beer but Adam took it out of my hand.

"Nuh-uh. Your mom said no alcohol." He said being serious.

"Correction, she said no getting drunk. There's a difference." I said grabbing it out of his hand and shutting the fridge. "Plus after this day, we all need more than just one beer." I said, before biting the cap with my teeth to open it and spitting it out. I took a sip. It was amazing. I've never been drunk because I've always held a lot, but tonight was different. It's almost like I knew I would be getting drunk soon but I was gunna try not to. There was loud music pumping and I just walked past all the people, making my way back outside to the Ducks. The only ones drinking were me, Charlie, Luis, and Fulton. The rest weren't surprised when I walked up with a beer but I knew most of them didn't want to drink tonight.

"Yo Brynn, don't get too crazy tonight, alright. I already told your mom you wouldn't and I don't need her to get mad at me and Adam." Charlie said.

"Nah, come on, Char. I can hold so much I won't be getting drunk. Also, my mom doesn't need to know what I do." I set down my beer and grabbed a bud light can out of a cooler backing up, smirking at Charlie.

"No. Put it down." He said pointing at me like I was a dog.

"Nope. Too late Conway!" I yelled as I poked a whole in it with a pocket knife and started shotgunning it. After I finished, I shook my head and threw it on the ground.

"Oh my god, can you not in the first five minutes? Please?" He asked, slapping a palm to his forehead. The rest of the Ducks laughed. To me, it was kinda a tradition I started. Because every party I've been too so far, I've shotgunned something, most times a beer.

In the next 5 minutes, I was being handed shot after shot by these two girls. I took one by one.

"Can you not feel a thing?" Adam asked me, shocked.

"Nope. I don't feel the buzz, the buzz has to feel me." I said before taking my last one. He shook his head. After I had finished that beer, I walked back in to get two more. Me and the Ducks stayed in our circle most time. Some people would come up and talk to us but eventually would leave. After drinking about 5 beers not including the 3 shots and shotgunning that one beer, I finally got one more and headed up the stairs. I walked into one room and found a couple making out.

"My bad!" I said loudly before immediately shutting the door. I walked into a different room and this time there was a window leading to the roof. I'm guessing it was Sandra's as it was a little girly. I set down my beer, opened the latch, and climbed out grabbing my beer. I was careful until I found a corner and slid down a bit to sit on. I sighed. As I looked at the stars, I couldn't help but think my first year as a high schooler was almost over. And my birthday was coming up soon which was worse. I hated celebrating it more than anything. Yeah if I get a gift or two from my mom and brother it's cool, but I hate having a party or when my friends get me stuff. Every year, Charlie either goes all out or he at least gets me something nice, and I tell him all the time to not get me anything but he doesn't listen.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now