25. I'm Gunna Miss You, Cake Eater

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It's been a year since I've been in college at TexasA&M University. Adam and I haven't been super close so he was coming over for the weekend to talk things over. The Ducks have visited many times and I've gone to visit Charlie and Connie a few times. Most us were split except for Luis and I who was a 15 minute drive from me. Me and Charlie had vowed to go to a close college together but I think we always knew we would be separated, he had gotten a scholarship for Hockey in Colorado, so I go to visit him a lot.

I heard a knock. "Come in." I said through the door. I was finishing up some assignments when Adam walked in.

"Hey! Does a stuck up hockey player live here?" He asked as he walked in.

"Banks!" I yelled, jumping from my bed onto him.

"How you been?" He smiled at me as he set his duffel bag down. He was still tall, still dirty blonde, and still just as hot as high school- but still the same mysterious dork I had fallen in love with.

"Pretty good actually, how about yourself? How's Oklahoma?" I asked him. Adam had gotten accepted into Oklahoma so he stuck with hockey, but he also picked up baseball.

"Yeah it's going. I mean I love it but I'm getting sick of my roommate already and I've barely made any friends. And I've been waiting for you to visit me." He said a little annoyed.

"I'm sorry but I've had my hands full." I chuckled.

"In a year?! Jeez, your cool." He said sarcastically.

"Okay, well I've also been busy helping Luis with his homework and trying to visit Charlie and Connie. See this is why Ducks can't be split! We miss each other too much and we never make time to hang out all together or one by one!" I threw my hands in the air.

"Yeah, I know. I just miss Minneapolis." Adam looked down.

"Really? I mean I miss our friends, our little town, and maybe the school. But I really don't miss much more than that, I like it here." I slightly smiled. "Hey you know..you can always transfer after Finals and Exams, if you really wanted to."

He looked at me with wide eyes yet confusion. "And tell my dad I'm leaving to come to a college for a girl? Yeah, I don't think that's how that works. He wants hockey, Brynn. Not academics, not hobbies, ...and not baseball." He looked down a little glumly. Baseball was something Adam grew to love in only a year, he had almost loved it as much as hockey which has been apart of him for almost 13 years now.

"Adam c'mon, man. I know you love your dad and heck, I love your dad too! But he pushes you so much with the hockey thing, even your mom notices it. Just tell him how you feel with it. Yes hockeys always been fun and you'll always have it with you, but as much as your good at it— it's just not what you love. Baseball is. And hey your over 18, who says you have to tell your dad?" I gave him a small pep talk.

"True, true. I'll consider it. Because if anything, I want to be with you." He told me while he kissed me.

"I think you've made that clear." I said laughing. He stayed the night and I realized how much I loved having my own room. At the start, my roommate was a guy named Jacey or as we spelt it J.C. He was super cool but there were times after practice when I just wanted quiet and he would throw parties.

The next morning we just chilled all day, had catching up conversations. But that night— that night I would never forget.

Adam was in one of his..moods. We started to make out and he started kissing down my jaw and neck. He got on top of me, slowly inching his body more onto mine. He then moved back to my lips and as he tongued me down, he slowly started to unbutton my flannel hoodie I was wearing.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now