2. The Reception

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"I am proud to announce these 4-year full time scholarships to the Minnesota Mighty Ducks!" The Dean pronounced. We stood on stage with our jerseys over our clothes and the crowd cheered. We were informed to wear fancy suits and dresses, I just wore a plain emerald green dress.

Avermen leaned to me. "Smile and wave folks, smile and wave." I started laughing giving him a fist bump.

We got off the stage and talked to many different people and a few paparazzi with cameras for the paper. I saw Coach Bombay there and I smiled, making my way towards him.

"Hey coach, you made it." I gave him a hug.

"Oh I wouldn't miss my kids for the world!" He said smiling.

"I actually came here for a reason.. I really need to talk to you and Charlie, since your the captains and my closest students. Could you grab him for me please?" I sensed the feeling of something bad when he said that.

The truth was last season Coach made me and Adam captain, but Charlie has always been like an assistant captain. So we decided to just each split the shifts and all take turns being captains.

"Of course." I walked over to Charlie who was chatting with some of the ducks and some adults. I grabbed his arm and whispered to him that coach needed us.

"Excuse me for the interruption." I said and Charlie apologized and we left to talk to Bombay.

"What's up coach? You wanted to speak to us?" We looked out at the view of the clear water. Coach put a hand on our shoulders.

"Well I was offered a spot to coach the junior leagues. And since your going off to high school, I can't stay with your group forever. I have to go on—" Charlie cut him off.

"Wait. Your not gunna take the opportunity are you?" He scoffed at Bombay. Coach's face was looking down and sad.

"Yeah, Charlie, I am. And I'm not leaving for good, I'll still be around."

"Great. You dump us here at some preppy, rich kid school and ditch us."

"I'm not throwing you out Charlie, Eden Hall is an amazing school for all of you and it's great for hockey, alright. Don't think I'm giving you up just cause I want to—"

"But you are. You are giving us up and your throwing us away, Coach." I kinda chuckled sarcastically saying that and then my voice changed. "Don't leave Coach. Please. You made us and helped us get where we are...you can't pack up and go now." I tried to say without the tears falling, my eyes were becoming waterfalls. Coach looked down.

"I'm sorry." As he said those words, they hit me— and they hit me pretty hard. To hear my now old coach apologizing for abandoning us is pretty sad. We were like orphans, not even a team just a district 5 and Gordon took us in, spreading his duck wings to take each of us under.

"Whatever. Forget it. You don't care at all." Charlie said and walked away. I stood there for a moment in silence looking down at my sneakers trying to hold back the pain in my eyes.

"Brynn... I hope you understand." I had my arms crossed over my chest and I bit my lip to hold back the lump in my throat.

"yeah." I croaked from my throat quietly. I walked away after that not looking back. I wiped my tears quickly with my dress and fanned my hands at my eyes. Connie came up to me.

"Hey, the buffet is so good I couldn't stop myself so I had to come over here, not in its view. Aren't you excited for Eden Hall?! Girl...you okay?" She finally noticed my red cheeks.

"Oh yeah yeah, I'm jus pretty cold dude." I fake laughed. She laughed along.

"Phew okay good. I was gunna say you can not be sad with a few months before school starts." She bit into a chicken wing and held it out offering me some. I was the type of person who didn't care what food it was and didn't care who ate it and I always stress eat so when I'm emotional, food is my emotional support. I bit into it taking a big bite.

"Dang girl. Plates over there, get yo own." We laughed as I tried to clean my hands. I looked over at Charlie who was pretty mad and not talking to any one standing in the group of Ducks— obviously not paying any attention. Especially after the news he just heard.

My god, Char. Don't show it at least. I know, I know it's pain. It's hurting, but Charlie don't let them see through you..not now.

I talked to all of the ducks and I made sure to stay by Charlie's side, just in case he was gunna show his emotions. Every time some one would mention Bombay's name, Charlie would scoff or roll his eyes, unintentionally so I started to grasp his hand or give his arm a squeeze so he knows I'm here for him but he also needs to calm the fuck down.

The reception was over and Charlie had decided to have a bonfire that night inviting only the Ducks.

• • •

We all showed up in comfortable clothes. Some of us had to sneak out, some of our parents understood, and some didn't care. Charlie and I stood there with our hands in our pockets.

"Yo, what's going on because I gotta get home soon." Jesse said.

"Yeah I'm missing my opera right now for this." Averman said getting a few laughs out of people. Charlie looked at me, like he was expecting me to talk.

"Um, so as you guys know we're obviously going off into high school to play hockey for the warriors. Well.." I started.

I didn't know how to say "hey our coach for like 4 years now is bailing on us right when we go into high school so we gotta fend for ourselves, not having a clue who the new coach is".

"Bombay's leaving. We're going to have a new coach. Before any of you get pissed or shocked, he's coaching the junior leagues and me and Char just got word today. So we'll have to see who the new coach is.." a few people gasped in shock, a few said "wtf" before every one was silent watching the fire...

"He left us. We have a right to be mad at him. But...we shouldn't. He just wants what's best for us." Charlie said focusing his eyes on the flames. I looked at him a little shocked, putting a hand on his shoulder before looking away. I looked at Adam who had watery eyes and also was looking at the fire.

After a few hours, people started to leave. The only ones left we're me, Charlie, Adam, and Guy. The Quad. We all sat close as the fire died down, making sure it was completely out before we left. We had called Charlie's mom to give us a lift and I got home around 2am. I sneaked in quietly knowing my mom was asleep. Luckily, she didn't catch me but I'm sure she would have understood if I explained to her. I reeked of campfire smell so I showered real quick before climbing into bed, drifting off to sleep. Thinking about how I'm going to last here. Sorta new town, new school, and new coach. But I still had the Ducks— the one thing that would remain.

A/N: hi guys, so if it's a little confusing in the next chapter, this bonfire chapter was earlier in the summer which was the last time she saw Adam so that's why in the next chapter, you'll see how they haven't seen each other in a while.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now