12. G.B.

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School had ended and I was walking in the halls when a boy approached me.

"Hi, um I'm very new and very lost. I'm trying out for hockey. I've heard your a player and you seemed like a nice person. Can you please show me where that might be at?" It was a boy who had black wavy hair, a very sweet smile with perfect teeth, and these beautiful dark brown eyes. He really wasn't bad looking. He was wearing a red sports jacket over a white t-shirt, skinny black jeans, and some white regular Nike shoes.

"Yeah no problem, where are you from?" We started walking towards the hockey arena.

"I just moved here from California actually. My names Gilbert, by the way." He held out his hand. "Gilbert Blythe." As soon as he said Blythe, my brain went into confused mode and my heart fell a little sadly. Blythe was the kash name of Jeremy, so they could be related. If Gilbert is anything like Jeremy, we won't be getting a long. He smiled and I did the handshake I do with the Ducks, so he looked at me confused before laughing.

"I'm Brynn Glacey and my team, you've probably heard of them, their—"

"The Ducks!" We had stopped walking and Gilbert said that excitedly as Charlie and Adam appeared in front of us.

"Hi, welcome to Eden Hall, or should I say welcome to the hockey arena." Charlie said smiling shaking Gilbert's hand. Adam gave him weird looks.

Oh my gosh, not this again.

"Charlie Conway and Adam Banks. Wow I never thought I'd be face to face with players like you." Gilbert said, the smile still not leaving his face. Adam gave him a smile for a second, I think because he liked the fame. I started laughing when Gilbert said that.

"Oh please, don't give them all the attention. Charlie's not even that good." I said. Gilbert started laughing as Charlie put me in a head lock. We all started laughing except Adam.

"Well I'm gunna go start practicing on the other end with varsity. Babe, you coming?" Adam looked at me, expecting me to follow.

"Babe? I am so hurt. I thought I was the one, my banks boo." Charlie said acting sad. "Fine. We're getting a divorce then." He crossed his arms and fake flipped his hair. I started laughing at them as Gilbert was confused.

"Me and Adam are-" Adam cut me off.

"Dating. Remember that. She's taken— by me." Adam said with a smirk. Charlie raised an eyebrow and I turned to look at Adam a little disgusted. I turned back to Gilbert.

"I was going to say playing for varsity, but yeah I..guess that too." Gilbert nodded his head. "For varsity, we had no choice or we would have stayed with our own team but I can still show you the ropes some time. It was nice meeting you, Blythe. Also when you walk in and see a bunch of dorks, tell Dwayne your friends with me, he'll know and show you around." I started to walk away backwards still looking at Gilbert as Adam impatiently waited for me by the doorway.

"Okay, yeah thank you!" Gilbert said very smiley. "Um wait, how am I supposed to know who Dwayne is though?" He asked confusingly.

"Oh you'll see him, he's the cowboy!" I yelled as Adam dragged me down the halls to the Varsity arena. I know this school was so huge, it literally had two different arenas. We walked into the locker changing room with half of the varsity players walking out already changed. Some were still there, but I grew to like some of them. Like this guy named Micheal, he reminded me of Goldberg and Avermen mixed, very sweet kid. And another one named Jake, he was very funny who reminded me of Luis. All of these big tough varsity players may have acted one way but they really were like us Ducks.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now