11. Especially a Varsity One..

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My alarm went off. Adam groaned and rolled over not towards me. I chuckled to myself.

How does the kid go to sleep with a shirt and hoodie on and every morning I've seen him, he wakes up shirtless? Makes no sense to me.

I got up quietly and I had set my alarm an hour before so I could make breakfast. I opened up the pantry and saw pancake batter siting there. Pancakes it is.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun and started cooking. I tried to be quiet to not wake Adam or any one else.

He spooked me when I felt hands around my waist and soft kisses on my neck. He hugged me from behind and I couldn't help but blush.

"Looks good." He smiled. He sat down to eat while I went to get ready. I did my natural routine and once I was ready, I headed to eat the food and Adam started to get ready. I put on a red leather letterman's jacket with a plain white hoodie underneath, since it was winter time. Then I put on regular blue ripped jeans and the sneakers Charlie gotten me. They were my favorite because on the bottom, Charlie wrote his name in all caps with a small heart next to it.

"Well look at you, football player much." Adam said smiling and I punched him in the arm as we passed each other going up and down the stairs. I was heading to the kitchen while he was going to my room to change. I sat down to eat and picked some music to listen to while I scrolled through my phone.

"Good morning, my family." Charlie walked through the door as I was eating. He instantly spotted Adam's hoodie and saw Adam walking to the bathroom. "Oh and Cake eater up there."He waved at Adam and started walking over to the kitchen.

"Morning Char." I said stuffing another big bite into my mouth before clearing my plate. I didn't need to turn around to see it was him, it was 7:20, the normal time he arrives, so I knew it was him.

"Oohhhh, lemme have some of that." He said eyeing the stack while giving me a hug from behind. He quickly started helping himself.

He took a bite and instantly closed his eyes. "Mmm. These are delicious. Tell your mom I said that, too." I was drinking a cup of coffee.

"Actually, I made them, thank you very much."

Charlie stopped eating. "Never mind, I take it back. You probably poisoned it." We both started laughing. Adam appeared in the kitchen leaning next to the door frame.

"Let's go losers." Adam said and we headed out the door. I texted my mom giving her a heads up that we went to school safely. She must have had a long day because she was still asleep.

We arrived at school and first thing we did was meet up with the Ducks. We had extra time before school had started.

When we walked up the group, we said our usual "wussup's" but this time, Guy was eyeing me. He never made eye contact and didn't talk much, but he was eyeing me for sure.

"Yo, yo, yo. Check this out. That girl over there has been eyeing you the past 15 minutes, Charlie." I hit Charlie's shoulder and he looked at the group of girls I was mentioning. It was a tall blonde who was giggling with her friends.

"Really?" Charlie's face brightened up.

"Oohhh, dam charlie. Got yo self a good one." Russ said.

Luis whistled at her, looking at her up and down. "Yeah I'd take her and her friend in the back out to dinner any day."

I smiled and slugged my arm around Charlies shoulder. "Aye man, fish in the sea remember." Charlie looked at me smirking. He looked down before looking back up nodding his head.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now