6. Captain Obvious

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Adam's pov:
What the hell was going on with her and the Ace kid? He was sitting next to her, walking her to every class, and oh look, he's living right next door to her. That's just great. I watched them with narrowed eyes as Ace was telling this story to Brynn with his hands going everywhere, they made deep eye contact and she laughed really hard. I felt a grape hit my eye.

"Aye what's that for?" I looked ahead as Charlie threw it at me and leaned in with his voice down low.

"Well captain obvious, you might want to stop staring before the other Ducks catch on." He nodded his head to his left which Guy was sitting right there.

"Sorry your right. I just..don't have a good feeling about Ace. He lives right next to her and what if they get close? What if he try's to make a move? OR WORSE-" something bad popped into my mind. I made my voice lower to a whisper."What if his window and her window can see each other and he can see her changing her clothes?!" I felt my eyes wide. Charlie looked confused.

"What? How can-? No, that won't happen. Plus if it does, I'll get Portman and Fulton to roundhouse that guy into Spain." He had this funny but serious look I couldn't help but laugh at. "Seriously though, this jealousy thing is getting to your head. Nothing bad will happen. Not with all 15 of her brothers sitting less than 5 feet from him, nothing will fly, alright." Charlie made me feel a little more reassured so I nodded. "And if I'm being honest...he doesn't seem that bad." Charlie said and I slapped a palm to my forehead.

Oh Charlie, no. Not you too! The whole teams going to end up loving him and when I have a say-so in something, I'll look like the bad guy. Oh Charlie, please don't do this to me.

"No. No, no, no, no. You are not gunna be a fan of him too, are you?!" I asked him. Charlie looked down not saying anything. I dug my face into my palms.

It's not that he's a bad guy or he'll do something. It's just that... I see how her personality matches his personality and how they bond so much. They're getting along so well, too well if you'd ask me. If they get too close, feelings will develop. And guess where that leads? To me losing the best thing that ever happened to me. She's like my other half. My sun, my moon, and stars all put in one. I guess a person can't say they have their sunshine or moonlight until they know for sure they have it. But I'm sitting here, having all three of those things sitting before me. All I know is..I can't lose her or I'm losing the part of me my mother likes to see best, the happiness she brings out of me. And if anything does happen to her, I can promise that Ace guy isn't coming out alive, or at least in one piece.

But for right now, I can't get too protective since he hasn't show any signs of liking her, getting touchy, or being disrespectful, so I can't hit him since I have no reasoning. Well to me it's good enough reasoning but Brynn, it wouldn't be enough for her.

The first bell, which is like a warning bell to finish eating or head to your next class, rang in my ears waking me from my deep thoughts. I looked at Brynn as she was now mid conversation with Ace. He grabbed a fork and a grape, placing the grape on the handle of the fork. He pushed down on one end as the grape shot up into the air and he caught it in his mouth. Brynn clapped sarcastically.

Oh please, this guy can't be serious right? God, he's immature for a high schooler.

I stood up, tapping Brynn on the shoulder and bent down to her level. "Hey I'll walk to your next class," i kissed her on the cheek. She giggled but also being caught by surprised.

"Oh, um, alright. See you around Ace." He smiled up at the girl still chewing his food.

Finally, some alone time with her.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now