16. It's Him.

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I was home by myself and I didn't know how to feel. I really wanted to thank Adam for that yesterday but I didn't know how. I had finally done laundry and I was changed into sweats and a hoodie. We had a group chat that Adam wasn't in and i texted it first.

Ducks :)
Me: hey Adam apologized and wants to be back on the team. How do you guys feel about it?
Char/twin: I don't know yet. Give me time to think.
Guy/best fren: yeah same here.
Cowboy/Dwayne: fellas, I think we should let him back in. He needs us and we need him.
Velvet Hammer/Connie: Dwaynes right. C'mon guys, lighten up.

There was no response for a few minutes.

Char/twin: ugh fine. You guys always get me feeling guilty, what a bunch of softies.
Velvet Hammer/Connie: sweet! Now let's add him back to the group :D

I felt a little scared, so I didn't look at my phone as it blew up with texts from them. I really wanted to talk to some one but I didn't know who. Until I looked in my jacket pocket that was hanging up a small piece of paper sticking out. I grabbed it and sat on my bed, which turned into laying down. I looked at it for a while until I dialed the numbers and it started ringing.

"Hello there? Gina, is this you?" I heard Mrs.Banks sweet funny voice say.

"Um, hi. This isn't Gina it's Brynn." I said chuckling a little. I heard her gasp through the phone.

"Oh hello dear! How are you? I heard you and Adam made Varsity, how exciting!" When she said Adam's name, I just felt sick. The scene kept replaying in my head. I don't know one kiss made me sick to my stomach that was still over 3 months ago. But then the other scene came to mind and I needed to thank him.

"Yes, it is actually." I said smiling. Her way with words and her comfortable tone just made me more relaxed I guess.

"Well that's good to hear! You obviously called for some reason, so what's going on, hun?" She asked me. I took a breath not knowing what to really say.

"I just had a few questions. They kinda involve Adam." I heard her say "mhm" as to say go on. "And I just wanted to know..how do you really know when you might love some one ?..If it's a stronger feeling than just liking a person, much stronger, but you don't want to call it love exactly, how do you know if it..might be love ?" I heard her go "ahhhh" very calmly. She was thinking and I knew that.

"Well, it's like when he's the first person to come to mind. If you read a romantic book or watched a lovey-dovey movie, would you think of him first? Or when a person asks you about your future, do you see him first standing next to you making all those decisions and taking all those big steps right there with you? And when you get a chance to pick a partner for a project, do you automatically want him? Is he your comfort person and the one person you can be yourself with or feel at home and relaxed with? To say this more simple, is he number one when it comes to almost anything? Your still young so you have plenty of time to figure it out and you'll have more boyfriends in the future but what matters now is how you truly feel." I could hear her say this with a smile on her face, even though I couldn't see her. "Now, my friend told me to do this, when I was younger. Back in my day, we used to use this method to see if a person was really in love. Alright I want you to picture yourself in a few different scenarios and then I'll ask you one big question at the end."

"Yes ma'am." I said kinda smiling.

"Okay first, picture yourself in college, with friends maybe or the team, whoever. You have a really big test coming up and your nervous because this test could be make or break your career. You could either pass it and get your degree or flunk and have to take another 2/3 years. Who do you call for a comfort person? Don't tell me the answer just think of it." I nodded and replied agreeing.

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