5. Teach me your ways..

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As I walked to my class, I probably said hi to about 4 different people I had known from Camp a few years back.

I walked into my class and Connie was sitting there looking down like she was bored out of her misery. She saw me and her face lit up, waving me over. I set down my book and slouched back in the seat. Class soon started.

"I don't understand how you can sit like that or even be so leaned back in these classes. It feels like they want you to sit like your in military school." I laughed at her while I stretched my arm over her chair.

When the class had started, Connie jotted down about everything the teacher even said. She was tall had bangs and a little shorter than a shoulder length hair cut. She jotted down an equation and I wrote it down answering it in less than 30 seconds. I went back to slouching. She turned and saw me not writing anything so she tried to catch me by calling on me.

"Miss Glacey. May you please share your answer." She smirked with her hand on her hip as if I wasn't going to answer. I licked my lips and stood up to deliver.

"Miss Hernston. Gladly." I smiled at her. "Square root is 16 to the power of 4. Meaning, liquid nitrogen can't become a solid." She picked up a calculator and punched in the equation. Then she thought about it and looked it up in the books. I kept standing. She looked up fixing her glasses and making eye contact with me.

"Correct." She rolled her R's. I smiled, bowed, and slouched back in my seat. She tried to pull this stunt about 3 times in that class. Even once when I was starting to fall asleep but I still answered.

"I just don't get how you do it! Teach me your ways." Connie whispered to me and we started smirking.

"Don't push the master." I whispered back to her putting my hands up. We both started laughing. The bell caught me off guard and I grabbed my one book I had for that class trying to exit until Miss Hernston called my name asking me to stay. I made my way to the front of the class.

"So your a math and science wiz, eh?" She smiled.

"Um, I guess you could say that. They've always been my strongest subjects even since grade school." I shrugged.

"Well that's great. I have an offer for that. Theres a math team I think you should join. It's a great opportunity for our school and for you."

"Whoah, slow your roll there teach. As much as it sounds kinda fun to challenge myself, I can't. I'm sorry but I've got hockey and I'm putting my whole focus on that—and my studies of course, but after school my main priority is hockey." She nodded looking down.

"Ah I see, I see."

"I'm really sorr-" she cut me off.

"Oh no, don't worry about it darling. Your a jock, what am I supposed to expect?" I got a little sad to think that was our reputation here. But she had a point, we put our whole focus on sports other than anything. She continued to talk.

"And I'm sure mister conway will miss you." She gave me a wink. I looked at her in surprise.

"Oh no, no, no. That's a misunderstanding. You see, Charlie's been my best friend ever since we were 2. So we can't split but we also can't date either. Yuck, just thinking about that." I stuck out my tongue making a disgust face. She laughed at me putting her hand over her chest.

"Your free to go, I just wanted to say that. But if you ever change your mind, the math teams waiting for you." I shook my head smiling and walked out.

In the halls, I caught up to Luis, Dwayne, and Russ.

"Ayeee what's up Brynn?" They all said hi and patted my back and shoulder. We were all headed to building A so it worked out good. We were on our way to Geography which Dwayne was in my class and after that I had Calculus.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now