17. Hans The Dream Maker

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I woke up in Adam's arms still and he was sleeping peacefully on his back. Wow, did he not even move last night? I got up silently not trying to wake up Adam and I hopped in the shower. I was out soon and I had changed and everything. I wore Adam's jeans and hoodie with a backwards hat and some of Adam's sneakers, basically everything was his. I walked down stairs to his mom in the kitchen.

"Good morning darling, how did you sleep!" She asked in a cheery tone giving me a hug, which I was a little took back by but quickly hugged her back. She was like the mom I had as a fill in when my mom couldn't be there.

"Amazing. Your furniture is so comfortable." I said taking a seat at the table.

"Or is Adam's bed comfortable? And his clothes? And Adam as a pillow himself?" His mom said with a funny smirk face. I started laughing.

"Yes that too, but I meant your couch." She laughed while serving me some eggs, toast, hash browns, and a crepe. A real breakfast made for champions, boy was it good.

I bit into it and immediately went "mmm." Gloria laughed. She was such a happy women, her energy just gave off good vibes.

"You mind waking up the boys for breakfast?" She asked me.

"No problem." I was going to walk into their rooms when she handed me a pan and a metal spoon. I looked confused.

"Trust me on that, they aren't light sleepers so just bang it like a gong." She went back to cooking and I smiled.

"Oh boyssss, breakfast is ready! Rise and sunshine!" I yelled into Adam's room banging the pan he pulled a pillow over his face. I went right next to his ear and he jumped so much he fell onto his floor. I laughed walking out. I opened Adrians door and yelled out in military style.

"GET UP, GET UP, GET UP, RIGHT NOW. STAND AND DELIVER. THEN DROP AND GIMME 50!" I yelled still banging the spoon and pan.

"AHHHHHH." Adrian screamed and fell to the floor. He sat up and looked at me confused. I was laughing so hard.

"Not funny." He said standing up.

"Breakfast is ready let's go." I walked out closing the door.

I walked back down stairs finishing up eating when Adam and Adrian both walked down a few minutes later. Adam gave me a hug from behind when I was sitting. I smiled looking at how happy I am. Honestly I could never face the truth if i ever left or Adam left.

"Hurry before your late. Adrian will drive you." Gloria told us. Pretty soon I fixed my black hat that read "California Vibin' " grabbing my bag and heading out to the sports car. It was very nice but it wasn't my type of car, so as much as I liked it, I would never buy myself that.

We pulled up to a parking spot and we all started walking towards our morning routine, The Ducks. We all walked to our lockers and I was talking to Guy. Today was the day we were getting the new girl.

"I heard she's the boss at hockey from California!" Guy said excitedly.

"And I heard she's more pretty than they make her out to be." Fulton said with a smile.

"Okay calm down guys. Also, Guy California is not what you think it is. I've visited many times and it's not something you want to be excited about." Fulton and I started laughing and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just excited alright. Today's going to be a good day." He nudged my arm and I nodded my head but I felt something was off. Different. Like something was wrong. But I tried to stay positive.
[time skip]

I was halfway through the day in 5th period with Guy, Charlie, and Adam when the Dean pulled my teacher over to talk to her about something. She nodded her head before walking over to us.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now