22. Save the Trash Talk

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Today was the day. It was the last game of the season, JV showdown, and the game signaling the end of the year, so the whole school will be there. I was refreshed and energized for today. This game was so important that we would only be in school half-day. After 6th period, the team will make its way to start warming up.

Downstairs, my two best friends, Charlie Andrew Conway and Adam Finn Banks were waiting on me for the biggest day in our high school lives. I ran down the stairs happily and jumped on Charlie's back.

"Mornin' you stray cattle!" I said in southern accent.

"And good day to you, madam." He said in a british accent.

"You guys ready?" I looked at them smiling.

"Oh heck yeah. After what Riley's done, I wanna crush him. Not just in hockey, but literally." Adam said with a teethy smile and batting his eyelashes. Me and charlie exchanged glances before laughing. We left the house just in time and we were in such a good mood, that we danced to Charlie's playlist on the way to school.

The half of the day went very smoothly, and I was so happy when it came to 6th period. Meaning we got out early to warm up and practice. Ace gave me a hug and told me good luck, which I smiled before I headed off to my team.

"Alright guys, it's almost time. We know their moves so it will be a slice of cake, but I don't want you getting too confident. Remember, no matter how good you are, you must always stay humble and be ready for anything." We nodded and I exchanged glances with Adam and Charlie who patted my shoulder.

It was almost game time and as we approached the ice, every one cheered rapidly, the adrenaline was getting inside all of us but we remained calm. We started skating in a small circle with our finger tips touching the ice.

"What's this? The Ducks are not taking their positions? It just hit me! It seems that the Ducks are paying their respects to a tragic passing, Hans their late mentor and adviser! This is such a heart warming touch." The announcer said, and every one in the stadium slowly started to stand up clapping and cheering. As we stopped skating in a circle we all took a knee and put each others hands on our shoulders or patted each other's backs.

"Listen up guys. Hans wanted to be here today, but he couldn't. He is still rooting us on up there and he lives here in spirit. So let's go out there and win this for him." Charlie said, we all nodded.

"Hands in. For Hans." Luis said with a sympathetic smile on his face. We all put our hands in, counting to three. We shouted on three "FOR HANS". We all soon took our places and I noticed Coach O'Ryans face was smiling.

I took first line on the right of Adam who was taking face off with Riley, of course.

"Your gunna wish like hell you stuck with us." Riley told Adam.

"Save the trash talk." Adam told him and quickly hit sticks with Riley and took the puck, knocking Riley down. Adam sent it soaring across the puck to Charlie but not quick enough, for Char was checked into the boards by-

"Cole. Ugh." I angrily grumbled. Jesse looked at me, as he skated next to me.

"You know him?" He asked. I kept my eyes on the other players.

"I wish I didn't. I know him, and he acts just like Riley." I said, as I watched Cole push every one down. No one had scored and it was getting intense.

"Oh." Jesse said plainly, nodding. Just then Riley and Cole checked Guy hard.

"WHAT THE HECK, REF!" I yelled out.

"Come on Ref, call something." Luis grumbled.

Just then, we took our positions again and we got the puck again. But just as we got it, it was stolen from Russ and then the first half had ended. We all walked back to the Inbox for Coach to give us our pep talk. I sat there with my head in my hands, we weren't losing but nothing was happening. It was constantly us getting knocked over or blocking their shots and them blocking our shots. I just wanted to beat them and shove it in that Riley's face of his.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now