9. Try Out's

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The day was almost over. It was the last period and I was walking with Charlie. We didn't exactly have a class to get to, so we weren't counted late if we were. It was like a free period or elective. A girl with shoulder-length brown hair approached us.

"Hi, would you mind signing this petition?" She smiled at Char. Charlie stood still not saying anything, just looking at her. I nudged him, waking him of his day dream.

"Sure. What's it for?" He started to take the pen.

"It's to change the Warrior's name. I think we should have something else." She said with her head held high.

"Well, warrior doesn't sound so bad. I mean you have the RedSocks, the A's, the Astro's, and then the Warriors-" before he could finish, she stopped him.

"Wait- your a jock aren't you?" She asked with her face falling.

"Um yeah. I'm on the new Junior Varsity hockey team. Captain actually." Charlie leaned forward to tell her with a brag in his tone.

"Forget it. All you Warriors stick together." She took the pen and paper and walked away.

"But I'm not a warrior, I'm a D-" Charlie tried to call out to her but she had already walked away. "Duck." He told himself with his face falling.

"C'mon char. Forget her. Every one seems to just judge us. Find another fish in the sea, she ain't worth it if she doesn't like sports." I had my arm slugged around his shoulder.

"Yeah, your probably right. Hey, those are some pretty wise words from a man right there." Charlie said smiling at me. We kept walking before we both decided to repeat the saying in an announcer type of voice.

"She probably ain't worth it if she doesn't like sports!" We yelled together before laughing.

We made it to our last periods which were right next door to each other. I was working on a woodshop project and then after finishing that, I was working on some photography shots out side. It was kinda some weird things to put together, but I loved them both equally.

School had ended and me and the Ducks all met up at the Ice rink, next to the gym. We all rushed to get changed and were so excited but nervous.

We walked into the arena, it was huge with stands all around and the glass was much taller than our last hockey rink we played at. The varsity was warming up. We started walking around the outside of the rink.

"Let's warm up. The Ducks way!" Charlie said smiling.

"Char, shouldn't we wait till the new coach shows up?" Connie told Charlie.

"Oh come on, Con. He can get used to the Ducks way of practicing. Now Dwayne, round up some cattle!" He handed Dwayne the rope.

"Yeehaw!" Dwayne yelled.

We all started skating circles around the rink as Dwayne caught us, one by one with his roping skills. I was laughing as Avermen was hiding in the net.

"Avermen's using Net!" I shouted, before laughing.

"Hey, you didn't have to call me out like that!" He said huffing. Every thing was silent when a man appeared skating towards us and then stopping right before Charlie, who was on the ground face first.

"I'm coach O'Ryan. Your new coach. You may call me Coach or Coach O'Ryan, nothing else." He stood with a clipboard and hands behind his back. Charlie stood up, removing one of his gloves.

"And you can call me Charlie." He smiled with his hand reached out. Every one laughed slightly.

"That must be what the C stands for on your jersey. Because it sure don't stand for Captain." He said pointing to his C and having a straight face.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now