21. Warriors Die and Ducks Fly

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"Do I have any votes for reconsideration?" The Dean asked. We were all standing in suits and professional clothing with Coach O'Ryan next to us. Varsity was across the room smirking at us, and all the board members were sitting at a long table. The day had come to see if we get to stay or go, and it was quite a tough decision.

"Okay I think that's it. Without a board member or second, the decision must stand." The Dean said."Sorry Ducks but have a nice trip home."

O'Ryan looked down for a second before speaking. "You leave us no choice but to bring in our attorney." O'Ryan said. Every one was confused and started quietly murmuring. The doors opened wide and in walked a man that I loved dearly and looked up to like a father. A smirk grew on my face, and my worries going away. I knew we would be walking out of these doors with our full scholarships after this.

"Dean Buckley, and his board. As a dear friend, old coach, and legal attorney, I would like to argue and defend this case, to make sure we're all making the right choices here." Bombay said walking in straight to Dean.

"Do you mind?" He said as he held out his briefcase and Dean nodded and held it for him. He pulled out a scholarship.

"This is a binding contract, saying the students will come to this school and be the best versions of themselves that they can be." He walked around the table with it. "Now, kids deserve a chance at your school, which is a great place, and you gave it to them. But now your trying to take it away." He walked around the table some more. "This may not be a big issue right now, but I will tie this down in a courthouse and I will make this matter a big case profile. I don't care if these kids are way gone into college by then. And I will win. Because I'm that good. But you wanna know why I'm so good? I got a good education. And where was that from? You guys gave it to me, and your going to give it to these kids." He walked back putting the scholarships down. "These are amazing kids not just in the rink, but all around. Trust me, their worth the scholarships, the paper work, and the bad days. They can get you wins in games and tests." He walked back to the front of the room.

"Oh he's good." O'Ryan whispered to me and Charlie.

"Just. Getting. Started." Me and Charlie said at the same time.

"By law, you are not allowed to revoke these scholarships without cause and well..you have none. If you want to remove these kids, you'll have to take it up with the judge and my boss, and he doesn't take news or cases very well. So save yourself the time and let these guys get a great education to have a good career in their lives and let them stay." Bombay said seriously. "We are people. We will lose our own games, make mistakes. But it isn't the right thing to jus throw them out if they don't give you an automatic path to the front of the newspaper. And yes, these guys are different, their from other cities in Minnesota, but that gives them even more of a reason to be unique." He started to stand but look at us. "I got lucky with them, and you'll see your getting lucky with them too. If I had a chance of a lifetime to win the lottery or coach these kids, with no hesitation needed, I would rather take them. They changed me and I changed them, we are now a package deal, for as long as we live. Now, give them their end of the deal and let the kids stay." It was quiet until a lady started writing, a guy started whispering to another guy, and soon the rest of the table was conversing.

"What's happening?" I heard Rick ask his rich daddy. I smirked and he made eye contact looking at me.

"Is there any votes for reinstating?" Dean said. A lady raised her hand as the Dean stood there.

"I vote the scholarships be reinstated." She said a little rudely.

"Is there a second?" The Dean asked.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now