20. Your Dead To Me, Adam Banks

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We arrived at the rink at 4am, not being able to practice much before they got there. When they walked in, Adam was looking sadly in a Varsity jersey. But we all had our ducks jersey on. With them looking at us, I stopped my warm up to take in the sight of them sternly.

"I wanna piece of them." I told Guy as he skated up next to me. I was resting my arm on my stick.

"Don't worry, we all do. You'll get your chance." Guy said. We went back to skating around shooting at Julie when Adam passed me and Guy and went to Charlie who was in front of us.

"Charlie, you gotta believe me, I was never apart of them. I was never in on the pranks either." Adam said skating backwards to look at Charlie.

"But you could have at least stuck with us instead of playing with them." Charlie said.

"Charlie I had to! It's my team and my position! You think I could just-"

"Well I don't see no coach here! So you could play for us but you chose not to!" Charlie yelled in his face. Adam looked surprised.

"Forget it. You just turn your back on me every time. One day we're friends the next day we're enemies." Adam said getting mad at Charlie.

"That's not true and you know it. Your supposed to be my best friend Adam and you are, so I can forgive you for many things you do but not this time. This is worse and different, your betraying your own team." Charlie said pushing his shoulder to get past Adam but then he stopped and looked back at him. "I'm still trying to be your best friend here in both places but your putting me in a real tough spot here." He had said quietly before he looked down to think for a minute. "When we're on the ice, your dead to me, Adam Banks." Charlie made eye contact before walking away.

I glared at Adam who looked hurt when I did it, but they don't say "bro's before hoes" for nothing. My friends come first before any guy—and especially Char.

We went to take our places and Charlie was taking the face off against Adam. The puck went down and Charlie had gotten it past Adam but two huge players towered over him and easily knocked Charlie down, which sent the puck to Luis. He had it going until he couldn't stop and was checked into the boards. They got the puck and swerved past every player scoring. I groaned and Guy came down the ice with the puck, passing it to Connie then she passed it to me. I sprinted full speed around the back of the net and pushing the puck passed the line. The varsity took the puck and started knocking our players down but I wasn't going to let him win. I skated up next to Riley, poking at the puck slowly trying to distract him from the net. Charlie came from the other side of Riley unexpectedly checking him into the boards which made him furious. Charlie skated away with the puck, Adam was pushing him sharply so he couldn't score. I skated quickly over to Charlie helping him, but soon I heard Charlie yell and take Adam down.

"DAMMIT BANKS!" He put Adam in an arm lock and going down into the net.

"Oh nice take down, you belong in the box." Adam scoffed pushing him.

"Oh, go cry to your rich parents." Charlie said pushing back Adam.

"Oh shut the hell up, Conway." Adam pushed him down, again they kept going at it and I didn't want to get in the middle of it. Charlie swung at Adam.

"I understand if you leave the team but when you leave Brynn, you've got yourself fucked up, Banks!" Charlie said as Adam had him pinned. I think Charlie was referring to what had happened in the past with Veronica but I'm not sure why he would bring it up.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now