10. Guy Germaine

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Since I was already walking through the halls, I just went to my locker to drop off my hockey stuff at my locker and grab a few books I needed. When I had opened it, a note slipped out.

Man I'm not dealing with this. It's probably those cheerleaders, and they get on my nerves.

But surprisingly, it wasn't. I turned to lean my back against my locker and started to read it to myself.

Dear Brynn,
Your going to think I'm absolutely crazy for this and I don't blame you, this is taking a lot of courage from me and I think I'm fuckin crazy. But I wrote this to tell you something pretty important. You remember when you joined our team first year and we instantly became close and it was all before Her and I. Well, I had feelings for you but I never told you...

My jaw dropped. Is this...No way! But what about..? I can never tell Adam about this.

..And recently, I've been experiencing those feelings again. Their very strong and I don't know what to do, but all I know is I had to tell you. And about Connie, we've been going through some rough patches lately but I don't plan on telling her because I'm hoping these old feelings will just fade away, I know I love Connie. But I think..I just think I possibly love you too, Brynn Ann Glacey. Although, I don't wanna get beat by Banks so please, keep your mouth shut on this one, our secret;)

Love, Guy Germaine

My heart was racing. What did I just read? There was no way I was telling Adam...but then I'd feel guilty if I didn't. And I won't lie, the first year I was there I had a small attractiveness to Guy too, but it was a small crush when I was young that was it. Those feelings haven't sparked in a while, and they won't for as long as banks is here.

"Hey, whatcha reading?" Adam appeared walking near me and I jumped. I started laughing afterwards. "Jumpy much?"

"Sorry," I said through laughs.

"So what's in your hands?" He tried to slowly take it and read it, he was a curious guy.

"Oh nothing important." I took it, crumbled it up, and shoved it in my pocket. He raised an eyebrow.

"Alright dork well I'm walking you home." He said smiling.

"Perfect." I smiled up at him. Man why was he so tall?

On our way home, we mainly talked about varsity but we also talked about the dance.

"So..the spot on varsity. Are you really gunna do that?" Adam looked at me and I looked down. We walked hand in hand.

"Well when I talked to coach, it didn't seem like I had a choice. What about you?" I looked at Adam who just shrugged.

"I mean if you don't have a choice, guess I don't either. And I'm sure my parents will want me to, they won't let me turn it down. Speaking of, are you telling your mom?" He asked.

"Um, I guess but depends on Charlie. You know he's having a rough time with the coach thing and he's my best friend. But yeah I think I'll tell my mom. How about you?"

"Yeah I guess." Adam looked down. You could tell we both hated this. "So the dance that's coming up. You going?" He asked with a smile.

"Pfff, yeah right. I'm sorry banks but I don't do dances. Can you imagine me in a dress or a skirt even?" I started laughing, he was smiling but then he sounded serious.

~ 𝕎𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 ~Where stories live. Discover now