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-Kylie's P.O.V-

I walked through the office with my cup of coffee to my desk in the back. It's the middle of winter here and it is absolutely freezing this morning. Monday mornings always start so slow, I logged into my computer and stared at the screen, waiting for my eyes to focus. I'm the accountant here so I mostly just take inventory on supplies, like tools, machinery, figure out how much money we spent on fuel and cost of machinery repairs. And I do payroll. I know it seems boring but I love it.

"Hey Kyles I don't know if you heard we have a new guy in grounds crew. I added him to the employee account just make sure he's on your payroll list"

That was my boss, Sarah. She's also one of my closest friends. She hired me a couple years ago and I've loved it here so far. I'm really close with everyone on the team really.

Anyways new guy new guy new guyyyyy ah. Here he is. Noah Beck. Alright cool I'm assuming he starts today, this Friday is pay day so I'll have to add him in for this weeks pay.

I went about my day finishing up my work at 5. Sarah and I grabbed our things and started heading out. We live in the same building just a few floors apart.

"See you ladies at Barney's?" Stewart, a grounds crew guy asked as he passed us.

"You bet Stu!" Sarah called back.

There isn't much to do here. We usually all end up at Barney's at some point each night. Barney's is a bar down town, one of the guys who used to work grounds crew, Mike, he opened this bar almost 6 years ago now. It's been the go to ever since I guess.

Sarah ended up coming to my place to eat with me like we do almost every night. We're both single so we really just have each other.

"So have you met the new guy yet?" She asked me with a mouth full of lettuce.

"No haven't seen him around. Did Matt hire him?" I asked. Matt's head of grounds crew.

"Yeah I kinda nudged him. He's a real cutie" she said winking.

"How old is he?"

"22" she said before shoving more of her salad into her mouth.

"Okay cougar you've got 8 years on him" I joked.

"I'm just sayin! You're 22, he's 22, come on you can't ignore it babe once you see him you'll know what I'm talkin about" she smirked.

"Look who's talkin miss single by choice" I winked at her

"Hey I'm 30 yknow I can't be gettin my hopes up for some prince charmin" she said rinsing her plate.

"So just cause I'm 22 I can't be single by choice too?" I laughed

"Of course not! These are the years you need to be out there, I'm not sayin go searchin for a guy but there's nothin wrong with browsin" she said.

"Oh I browse" I said.

"Uh huh okay I'll believe it when I see it" she joked.

We grabbed our coats and headed to Barney's. We went to our usual table by the window and Mike brought us over a couple beers.

"Who's the new guy?" He asked. I looked over his shoulder where the guys were sitting around a table in the back. I made eye contact with a brown haired boy sitting with them, then looked away quickly.

"That's Noah, just started today actually, I'm surprised the guys brought him out" Sarah replied.

"Seems cool, let me know if you guys need anything" Mike said before walking away.

"Seeeee now you see what I'm sayinggg he's cute right" she said nudging me.

"I mean he's not ugly" I said looking down and taking a sip from the bottle in my hand. He is really good looking.

"Shut up don't lie to yourself he's hot and you know it. Should we go introduce ourselves?" She asked grabbing my arm.

"No no Sarah it's cool I'd rather just meet him at work or something, this just feels awkward" I said. I did feel a little uncomfortable. Mostly just insecure. I don't know why like I thought I looked fine it's just that he's so good looking and I'm just average. Pretty people are hard to be around. "I actually think I'm probably gonna head home after this one." I said putting some cash on the table for Mike.

"Kyles come on don't leave me here" she said pouting.

"I'm sorry, I'll see you tomorrow okay" I said before heading out. I grabbed a cab and went back to my apartment.

-Noah's P.O.V-

Had my first day at work today. Not a bad job the guys showed me around the garage, it's separate from the offices but it's got a lunch room in the back. We start a job out of town tomorrow that will likely take a few days, building a shed and laying gravel down a lane way. The guys seem really chill. They even invited me to meet them at a bar downtown. Barney's I think it was. I've heard of it but never been there.

Once we got there this guy brought over a tray of beers. We didn't even order anything.

"New guy what are ya drinkin" the bartender asked me.

"Ahh same thing" I said, I have no idea what they're drinking. Whatever. He brought me a beer, seconds later a couple girls walked in and sat across the room. He brought them beers too. Must be regulars.

"You never met the ladies at work I guess huh" Stewart asked me.

"No I didn't" I said looking over. I made eye contact with one of the girls. She has brown hair and glasses. She looked away quickly like I wasn't supposed to see her which made me smile.

"That's Kylie. She's the accountant so be extra nice to her or you don't get paid" Chris said from beside me. "Other ones Sarah she's the boss lady over there."

The brown haired girl, Kylie I guess, she got up and left a couple minutes later. Weird she just got here. Sarah, the other girl grabbed her beer and came over to sit with us.

"Where did Kyles run off too?" Chris asked.

"She ditched me for a hot date" she said. Damn. I don't know why that hit me I've literally never even met the girl. "With her tv" she continued. All the guys laughed and I couldn't help but let another smile creep across my face.

"New guys over there day dreaming!" Stewart said loudly nudging me. I blushed and looked down.

They all laughed and teased me.

I just kept smiling.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now