Chapter thirty-Four: Green Jumper

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•Journal entry~It was now the 16th of May, just a few weeks left until summer. Hermione hasn't left me alone ever since the bathroom incident and she's constantly making sure I'm better. I haven't really spoken to Harry or Ron In two months, I'm upset with them and Draco for lying to me. But honestly I'm most upset with myself. How could I not see; that three of the very most important guys in my life had been keeping something from me for Merlin knows how long. I don't understand why they didn't just tell me. At least I'd have known that Draco still loved me...I thought that he hated me but apparently I don't know anything anymore. We still don't understand what the Malfoys or Clermonts want me dead for, we are struggling. I'm sitting outside up against a tree. Writing my feelings down does help, I can write thing that I didn't even want to admit to myself, like that fact that Draco practically betrayed me...yet I still love him and care about him so much. Ever since I decided to keep a journal I've not stopped writing. I don't know if that's a bad or a good thing, any way it's time for lunch now.~ end of journey entry.•
I inhaled the fresh breeze that blew across my face and through my hair.
My owl swooped down, holding a letter in his mouth. I opened it.
~'Dear Y/N, I understand you don't want to talk to me but I have some of your things that I thought you might want back before the end of the year. Meet me behind The Three Broomsticks at eight. -Draco Malfoy~
I scoffed. Why so formal. After all this time he sends me such a discrete letter, acting like a delivery person. When it got dark I went into my room, Hermione, Harry, and Ron were in the Great Hall. I dug into my wardrobe and found a green jumper that Draco had left here months ago and slipped it on, so if anyone saw me with him they'd just think I was a Slytherin with my hood up. I put it on and it was just as soft as I remember. I played with the thread on the inside of the arm, I didn't even realize I had started doing it until it got stuck on my finger nail...old habits I guess. It still slightly smelled like him. No Y/N stop. That's over, he just wants to give me my stuff that's it. Nothing else will happen. I waited for him in the alley. It was slightly chilly and nearly pitch black out, the light made it able to see. I saw Draco come around the corner with an all black robe on.
Draco-"Oh hey Y/N, I was just coming to your room to wait for you how funny."
Y/N-"Funny? But I thought that you wanted to meet here to give me a box of my stuff..?"
Draco-"Well I.." he stopped talking and I noticed what looked like a bubble on his forehead, then on his cheek and soon small ones started to appear and his face was forming differently. This wasn't Draco.
Draco-"Yeah, I'll see you later I have to meet someone." I heard the real Draco's voice getting louder from down the alley. The person who was imitating him vanished so quickly, and I never got to see who it was. But they were awfully good at imitating his voice.
Draco-"Who was that?" He said holding a box.
Y/N-"I...I don't know."
Draco-"What do you mean?" He set it down.
Y/N-"He looked like you. But..wait how do I know you're you?"
Draco-"Come on don't be thick. It's me Y/N"
Y/N-"Prove it." I took out my wand and pointed at him.
Draco-"Woah stop it!"
Y/N-"Prove it!"
Draco-"Okay fine! That night we snuck off to the astrology tower, We thought it would be fun to use the..-"
Y/N-"Okay. It's you." He gave me a smile and scoffed. "Is that mine?" I said pointing at the box.
Draco-"Yeah here." He said giving it to me, but when I took it he held on somewhat tight before fully letting it go. "So, What did you mean.. he looked like me? Like polyjuice potion?"
Y/N-"Yeah." He sighed.
Draco-"Well it's not safe out here. Whoever that was clearly was trying to get to you."
Y/N-"Draco I have to go."
Draco-"But it's not safe. At least let me walk with you."
Y/N-"I'm fine thanks. And thanks for the stuff" I said holding up the box a little.
Draco-"Is that my Jumper?"
Y/N-"Oh..yeah here"
Draco-"No. no you keep it. It looks better on you."
Y/N-"Ok thanks. See you later then." I started to walk away.
Draco-"No wait." He grabbed my arm gently and I stared up at him, staying silent. "I miss you." He said pushing the hair that was in my face, behind my ear. He looked deep into my eyes and smiled at me.
Y/N-"Don't do this Draco."
Draco-"Do what?"
Y/N-"Try and apologize. I've already forgiven you so please just let me leave."
Draco-"No you haven't forgiven me. If you have, me and you would be doing something much more fun than standing here. Don't you miss me at all?"
Y/N-"Draco please.." I saw tears in his eyes. He was fighting them. I didn't want to hurt him but he hurt me so much.
Draco-"Fine." He took a few steps back.
Dracos POV.
I could feel myself falling for her even harder, even deeper than I already was. I thought it was best to stay away, but I hate that I hurt her in the Process. I hate that I knew I was hurting her in the process. But someone pretended to be me just to talk to her. And what scared me even more was the fact that she didn't seem to think it was a big deal at all. She just walked away like it was nothing.

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