Chapter Thirty-Six: The Death Eaters

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Dracos POV. Before it happened.
After she looked back at me, it seemed like she wanted to say something. I walked down the hill to a tree, thinking about Y/N and how it seemed like we had connected when I met her and the Three Broomsticks. She was wearing my jumper. Who would wear ones jumper if they didn't still love them. She still loves me I know she does. The sky got dark and there it was. The Death Eaters were being called. When I got there, our task was to search the castle and find Y/N and when we do..we had to bring her to Lord Voldemort and Clarisse Clermont.

Back to your POV. Present time.
Death eaters were roaming the halls and everyone went into the great hall, trying to stay as orderly as possible. We all stayed quiet. I didn't see Draco anywhere, he must be with them. He must be so scared. Hermione and Ron hugged each other and Harry held my hand, knowing I was not only afraid for us but afraid for Draco. A death eater was in the great hall, everyone was shrieking.
Death eater-"Avada Kadavra!" A girl from Ravenclaw fell dead on the ground. Different people from all houses hovering around her body protecting her from him, we all started to cry.
Death eater-"Y/N!! Where are you!?!"
Harry-"Y/N run!" He whispered. I made my way out of the great hall without knowing what happened next. The halls were empty and I could barely breathe because I was trying not to panic. I searched the halls in hope I'd find safety. In hope I'd find Draco.
I was hoping the room of requirement would show up but I didn't stop to look.
Dracos POV.
Our goal was to find Y/N and bring her to get killed. I was just hoping I'd find her first so that doesn't happen. A few other death eaters came around a corner and I saw a closet and hid in it waiting for them to leave. One stopped at the end of the hall way, when I heard soft foot steps getting closer.
Your POV.
I ran until my legs and feet nearly gave out. I looked up to see one of the death eaters at the end of the hall, I turned to leave when a hand reached out and pulled me into a closet. I almost screamed.
Draco-"Shhh it's it's okay it's me, you're okay it's just me." I sighed and wrapped my arms around him as he pulled me, in gripping me tight. "You're okay" he rubbed my back. "No one is going to hurt you" I looked up at him.
Y/N-"I'm so glad to see you" I said with tears slowly coming out of my eyes.
Draco-"I know I'm happy to see you, you have no idea how scared I was that I wasn't going to find you,  Y/N this is all my fault. If only I'd protected you better this would've happened." I shook my head.
Y/N-"Please don't say that okay. No ones ever been a better protector than you Draco, I'm always safe with you. I love you so much I'm so sorry for everything!"
Draco-"I love you too sweetheart" he kissed my lips when the death eater got close I tried not to squeal. Draco put his hand over my mouth and peaked out of the crack in the door. I closed my eyes, I was so scared.
Draco-"It's okay, he's gone."
Y/N-"What are we going to do.." I said, still silently crying.
Draco-"We need to leave the castle. But I don't know how without being seen.."
Y/N-"Harry's cloak!"
I only hope this didn't ruin our back up plan (you'll find out about that later)
Y/N-"Let's go fast!!"

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