[24] Where is she?

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"Blacklisted?!" Chaeyoung shouted through the phone after hearing some absurd news that she never knew was possible.

"Yes Ma'am, it seems like Thailand had banned you from entering the premises of their country. I'm sorry I can't help you." The agent said to her before hanging up.

She was all dressed and all packed after deciding to follow Mina in Thailand. But it seems like Bambam had oversee her plans, she forgot how powerful and rich the man was. Booking a ticket is far from being possible now.

Now she really doesn't have anything that she can do, and it frustrates her.

She stood up and grab her keys while she wipes off the tears off her face. She needs her mom right now, and she surely needs to apologize after figuring out that they weren't actually lying to her.

But upon reaching her car she saw a familiar face near it. A rather sophisticated and fashionable woman that looks exactly different from how she remembered.

"Chaeyoung." The woman greeted her with a hug. But when the woman noticed that the latter was crying she turned to face her and wiped off the tears on its cheeks. "Why are you crying?"

"I-It's nothing. How about you? Why are you all dressed up?" She casually asked and plastered a fake smile, trying to get out of the topic.

It's not something that she wanted to talk about now, not with this woman. They were close but it surely is inappropriate to talk about Mina infront of her.

"I'm here to invite you for dinner. You haven't eaten yet have you?" The woman asked Chaeyoung.

"Of course, it's 4pm." She let out a forced chuckle. "But I can't go with you, I'm on my way to my parents' house." She refused but the beam on the woman's face didn't disappear.

"You don't have to worry about that, I invited them too." She happily said as she was thinking that the plan was going so smoothly.

"Oh really. Then are we using my car?" Chaeyoung asked, unaware of the woman's agenda.

"Sure." They both got in and Chaeyoung drove without getting a single hint of the woman's plans.

The drive went on silently between the two. Chaeyoung doesn't seem to wonder why she was suddenly asked for dinner, but either way she just wanted to get away from thinking things too much, that's why she agreed without giving it much thought.

This is a great escape, as for her.

They drove for two hours and the woman seemed to have fell asleep at the passenger seat.

As Chaeyoung parked the car she looked at the woman who slept like a log with her mouth slightly open. In her thoughts was maybe people can change the way that they dress, but some things just stays the same.

"Hey." She called out to the woman and shook it's shoulder lightly.

A few more and she slowly opened her eyes and looked around all confused. Chaeyoung chuckled at the sight, she finds it funny that this girl is still the same dumbass girl who acts like an idiot.

"Let's go." She said and got out of the car to open the door for the woman.

Chaeyoung led the way as if she was the host of the dinner when she actually wasn't. She wander her eyes around to look for her parents but she couldn't even see a shadow.

"They're at the VIP room, stop leading if you don't know the way dumbass, just follow me." The woman teased her and Chaeyoung doesn't seem to mind the insult and just carry on, you can say that it was normal for them to even curse at each other.

They came inside a closed room with a wooden setting, and there, she saw her parents. But upon facing them she lost all of her confidence to talk.

They both sat down at the empty seats side by side in front of her parents. The food was served and everyone started to eat without opening a topic.

Now Chaeyoung starts to question herself on why they are here. The setting feels so formal given the fact that they are not strangers.

She couldn't eat properly because of it.

After everyone was done eating, Chaeyoung wanted to ask a question right away but before she could even utter a word, Jeongyeon finally spoke.

"Now shall we talk about why we are here?" She said and pulled out a few documents and a pen. "Shall we?" She handed the papers to the woman first and Chaeyoung looked at them confused about almost everything.

"Umma what's happening?" She asked and looked at Jeongyeon who seems busy getting the woman's signature.

Chaeyoung turned to Nayeon who just keeps her stares on Jeongyeon and the woman. "I'm not getting anything at what's happening. Mom can you please enlighten me?" She asked Nayeon, but before her mother could answer, Jeongyeon had the papers in front of her and the pen placed in her hands.

She turned her eyes down at the paper and her eyes widened unto seeing a marriage certificate.

"Sign this now Chaeyoung." Jeongyeon commanded, but it seems like Chaeyoung isn't happy about it.

"Umma what are you talking about? I never agreed to this."

"Just sign it Chaeyoung please." Nayeon almost begged her, and it feels too exaggerated for Chaeyoung, she's sensing that her parents have a deeper reason on why they wanted her to sign this.

"No. I told you I love Mina! Why are you doing this?"

"Mina doesn't love you!" The woman suddenly burst off. She was mad from hearing the name Mina coming out from the lips of the girl that she love. "Face it Chaeyoung. She's married! Stop bothering her!"

"No! She was just scared that I might get hurt because of her! But she loves me! And I love her so please stop this."

"Then where is she?!" The woman shouted that silenced Chaeyoung. The younger girl fell into deep thoughts.

Where is Mina? She asked to herself. Mina is with her husband right now back in Thailand and thinking of the things she tried to get to Mina makes her doubt if they can ever be together.

And it pains her that she knows that the answer will always be no. They can never be together because it's just too impossible to happen, it's just too good to be true.

"You love her but where is she? She's not here but I am. I am here Chaeyoung, please look at me." The woman held the younger girl's face and wiped off the tears that had been the result of its pain. "I will always be here for you. Please marry me."

Chaeyoung doesn't know if it was a spur of the moment decision, but in her mind she wanted to have this marriage not because she loves the latter, but because she wanted an escape from reality.

The reality that she can never love.

And once again with that decision she signed the papers, and her name lies on beside the woman she decided to be her spouse,

Hirai Momo.

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