Chapter 6

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Opening her eyes slowly, Tsuna found herself staring at a ceiling, she had never lay down after being locked and chained by the village chief. So, she was confused for a moment. Turning her head to one side to another.

It wasn't the room she was imprisoned in.

Closing her eyes, flashes of what had happen appeared on her mind, shocked etched on her face as she lifted her self up hurriedly to a sitting position. Feeling the kimono slipped down her body, her face darkened in shocked to see her naked self.

'Where are my clothes?!' She thought.

She pulled the kimono quickly with her hand up to her chin, but after looking closely at the kimono, it looked familiar. Then it crossed her mind, the kimono that was covering her was the one Sukuna usually wears.

Hearing footsteps in front of the door, Tsuna quickly lay back down and close her eyes. Hearing the door opened, her heart quickened, cold sweat broke out on her forehead. There was a weird silence that made Tsuna very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the kimono covering her was harshly pulled away making her shrieked.

Her hand was still gripping the kimono tightly, so when it was pulled, she went with it, dangling in the air, she slowly opened her eyes to meet with Sukuna's annoyed gaze. "I know you were awake, kid"

Realizing how Sukuna was staring at her, her expression turned to horror when she remembered she was underdressed, quickly letting go of the kimono, she fell down to the floor, then covered herself with her hand but then suddenly she was hit in the face by something making her fall back down on her back.

Feeling the soft sheet of clothes in her face, she took it away from her face and looked at the small yukata that was on her hand, she quickly looked at Sukuna but he was already giving her his back as he walked out the door.



"What do I do now?" She mumbled quietly to herself.

After getting dress, Tsuna thought again what she was doing there, before she just wanted to see Sukuna but after seeing him what should she do after, she squinted her brows together thinking seriously.

But the more she thought about it, the emptier she felt, she didn't feel alive anymore, the more she look around her surrounding, the clearer she see how grey her world had become.

"At least I shouldn't be a bother" She said to herself.

As she lifted herself up and walked towards the corner, she sat down and looked at the wide room. "If I'm here, I wouldn't be taking too much space"

After that night, Sukuna didn't come back, while Tsuna didn't move from the corner of the shrine since, but one day, Sukuna did come back when Tsuna was sleeping, he was surprised for a moment when he saw she wasn't there, but as he looked around to see her in the corner, he sighed in relief which shock him again when he thought he was unconsciously relief to see her not gone.

"Am I going crazy?" Sukuna said clicking his tongue as he strode to her.

Deciding not to wake her up, he decided to carry her himself and place her on a more comfortable place to sleep, he looked intently at her face for a while, she really did have quite beautiful features for a kid.

When he was holding her, it even felt nice not that he would admit it, it felt weird to feel nice with a living being in his hands, when he usually felt enjoyment when his hands were soaked with blood. But then, his thought was cut off when Tsuna started to shift a bit.

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