Chapter 9

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Tsuna didn't say anything after Sukuna said he didn't want to let her down. She only scrunched her eyebrows together in shock, as her mouth also gaped opened in disbelieved.

"I don't want to let you go, Hime" He said again with a smirk.

After saying that, he continued to strode to the hot spring. Snapping back to reality, Tsuna started to pushed him even more powerfully, struggling to escape his arms, but Sukuna was holding her firmly making her struggled completely useless.

"No-no, please, Sukuna" She said started to tremble as her face paled. Tsuna was looking at him with teary eyes. After glancing at her eyes, Sukuna quickly averted his own eyes to not let his decisions a few minutes ago be affected by her.

Sukuna then stop after he was standing just beside the hot spring. Tsuna was burying her face in his shoulder as her body shake in fear. Sighing, Sukuna sat down, letting his leg inside the hot springs, while Tsuna cling on him like a koala who had also frozen still after hearing him entered the water.

"Why are afraid of it?" Sukuna asked.

"Its just water." He continued.

Hearing sniffled coming out of Tsuna, Sukuna click his tongue in annoyance, he sighed and in the end he decided to get up and take her back to their room, but just as he lifted his feet, he could feel Tsuna grip his shoulder for a moment.

"It-it was my first time" She said stuttering a bit.

"First time?" He repeats to himself but Tsuna heard him.



"It was my first time, being tor-torture" She said in a shaky voice. Sukuna's eyes widened a bit hearing that, he suddenly felt something had hit him hard straight to his chest. But even so, Sukuna didn't reply anything to her when she said that.

He kept his mouth shut as he looked at Tsuna who was struggling to continue her words.

"I was captured once wh-when I was younger." She started after taking a deep breath.

"I remembered it being a big house, as they had their own ho-hot spring"

"They kidnapped me after seeing my wounds healed when I was helping my mother during our life at that village. After the ca-caught me the-they kept me at the hot spring"

Flashes of how she was pulled harshly one night by someone when she was about to go him appeared in her memories, she shuddered as she closes her eyes remembering how confused and frightened, she was back.

"But the hot sp-springs was only for their family member I think" She started to continue talking again.

"If I re-remember correctly, it was because one of the elder had suspected that I could heal him from his illness." She said but soon after, was silent again as she gripped harder on Sukuna's shoulder.

"The-then it started" She said as tears started to soaked her cheeks as they started to overflow from her eyes. She gritted her teeth in frustration as she then continues talking again.

"Th-th-they began questioning me, asking how I was doing it, h-how I was healing myself. They tried dro-drowning me, over and over again.. it fel-felt horrible, I kept dy-dying, but when I kept coming back to life the-they thought I was tricking them, it hurts so-so m-much, it hurt so much! who was it th-that said dying didn't hurt!!" She suddenly raised her voice at Sukuna. He wasn't the object of her anger but he somehow felt bad too as he also did kill her too.

"I-I kept feeling the pain of being dro-drown, my lungs felt like it was constantly burning, the-they kep-kept me in the wate-water for a wh-whole day, I was dead during that time, bu-but every time they pulled me out, I would st-start to breathed again."

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