𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖘

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ELIZABETH WAS WALKING NOT NOT KNOWING WHERE SHE WAS GOING. It had been a few days since her one-night stand with the handsome British vampire, and she still didn't try to get the ascendant back. She had been sleeping in a shitty motel, trying to think of a plan but with no results. And she felt extremely homesick. The prison world was hell, but she had gotten used to it. Now they were people everywhere and it felt suffocating.

She was interrupted in her thoughts by a noise coming from a dark alley, she could feel the magic there. Elizabeth saw this as an opportunity to siphon some magic. When she slowly approached, she saw three men attack a woman. The three men were vampires, she could feel it. But the woman was something else, her magic was different. If it wasn't a vampire nor a witch, maybe Elizabeth had just found a werewolf. She had heard about them but never meet one, just like she never met a vampire before a few nights ago.

Elizabeth decided to save the poor werewolf, because why not? It's not like she had anything else to do, and she could siphon those vampires and get some magic.

Elizabeth grabbed one of the vampires, siphoning his magic, and she felt once again this rush of power. Elizabeth felt invincible while siphoning, the trill, this feeling she felt, it was amazing. She had missed it. The vampire desiccated and the other two vampires looked at her in fear. She loved it.

Elizabeth smirked. "It's not a way to treat a lady, but I guess we can't expect much from filthy bloodsuckers. I'll have to teach you some manner boys."

The werewolf took this opportunity to stab one of them while they were distracted by Elizabeth. On the other hand, Elizabeth grabbed the other one, sucking the magic out of him, planning on killing him like his friend.

"What are you doing to me?" he said whimpering in pain.

She only laughed devilishly. "I'm sucking all the magic inside of you, without it you die, slowly, slowly...and your dead."

He soon started to desiccate. The last vampire started running away but the werewolf stooped him stabbing him multiples times, making Elizabeth impressed. She whistled at the werewolf. "Not bad for a dog," she told clapping her hands. Elizabeth finally siphoned the last one, who desiccated pretty quickly since he was already weakened by the werewolf's attack.

"Thank you, I'm Hayley," the werewolf said, although she looked suspiciously at Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth. So I am curious why were they trying to kill a lovely mutt like you?"

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