Has My Life Finally Started?

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If you'd met me without this little intro I'm about to give you, you'd probably think I'm a psychopath. Even without this little idiot in my head, I would still consider myself somewhat crazy.

Besides that, I've grown to show no fear, and in addition to that, have no fear whatsoever. Before I ate that weird eyeball I was still in a pretty complicated situation, a 'training program' so to say. I don't know my parents, maybe I care, maybe I don't.. Am I even allowed to anyways?

After eating the damn eyeball, my abnormal strength grown tenfold, and honestly, I'm liking it.

Well, other than the fact I have this weird second personality. We've learned over the years to work hand in hand, but still... We have our disagreements from time to time.

I've been freed into the real world of New York city, because me and my good friend acted like we've become useless. They couldn't kill us either because well, we ran away before that could happen.

Nariko Tsukiyomi is the name of this curse within me. I call her a curse because I really am cursed for the rest of my life.

Hey.. Idiot I can hear everything you're thinking.

"Yeah don't care anymore, thought you knew" I laugh.


Currently I'm on my way to Japan.. Nariko is apparently from the place and it's the next best place away from my 'old friends'.

Uh huh.. sure call them friends

"Well? What else do I call them?" I say in an annoyed tone.

Uhhh... bad guys?

"You're a bad guy though" I chuckle

Maybe.. but I haven't actually done anything bad in this era have I?

"Nope not yet.. I assume" I say blankly.

The rest of my eyes should be in Japan, that doesn't mean I'll go bad when you eat them though.

"I hope you know I'm only eating the last four because I don't need anyone else eating those and making the world as bad as it already is"

We sit at an airport as I eat sushi, awaiting my time to leave for my flight. It's almost time and I'm not so excited since I've never been on a plane before, let alone surrounded by so many people. The people thing I'm starting to get used to, but I'm experiencing some weird emotions.

It's called anxiety

"Anxiety? Hm.. sounds fun" I smile brightly and shrug.

Billions of people in the world, and I'm stuck with you.

"Rude.. I'm stuck with you too" I cross my arms..."

Finally in Japan...

"So.. what now" I stand outside the airport and watch as the rain falls and the taxis splash the water nearby as it zooms away with passengers.

Hail for a taxi dumbass

"That was a little mean, don't you think?" I furrow my eyebrows.

You're an idiot, it's not being mean it's just being honest.

"Wow.. I thought we've gotten to a level where we didn't have to bully each other.. I guess not" I say as I wipe away a fake tear from my primary eye.

Oh shut up and wave for a taxi already

"Fine" I groan and walk to the edge of the side walk. "Where are we even going?" I ask and I hear a groan from my companion.

Fuck.. uhh

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