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Tris's POV
"Tris!" I hear as I try to blink the black splotches from my eyes. "Tris!" he calls again. I recognize that voice: Tobias. My head throbs and my shoulder burns. I remember what has happened. I've been shot. I think I'm going to be sick. I roll over, ignoring the stabbing pain, and throw up. As I lie back down, all I can think is I have to tell him.

Tobias's POV
When I reach Tris, I realize she has lost much more blood than I thought. I crouch down next to her."We have to get you to the infirmary. I'm going to carry you, okay?"

I pick her up, sliding one arm under her legs and one around her neck, being careful not to touch the bullet wound. She groans. At this point, all the Factionless have either fled or been killed. I walk swiftly across the Pit, whispering reassuring words to her.

"You're going to be okay," I say.

"Tobias..." she croaks. "I have to tell you..." Before she can finish, she passes out, probably from the amount of blood she's lost. I move quicker towards the infirmary.

An hour later, I sit beside Tris, in the hospital in the city, holding her hand. As she starts to wake up, I get her some water.

"Here," I say. "Drink. You lost a lot of blood. How's your shoulder?"

"It hurts" she croaks, managing a small smile. As she becomes more alert, I help her sit up.

"I'm hungry," she says just as an Erudite doctor walks in. I laugh a little.

"I heard they have cake here. I'll go get you some."

I squeeze her hand and smile at the doctor as I walk out. Then I make my way to the cafeteria. I have never been to an Erudite hospital before. When I was younger, Marcus never took me to one if I was injured. I suppose he must have been worried someone would notice the bruises or slashes from his belt. The hallways are long and bright white, with enormous windows on either side overlooking Millennium. When I reach the cafeteria, I find the first piece of chocolate cake I can. It probably won't be as good as Dauntless cake, but it will suffice. I hurry back to Tris's room but pause outside the door. It's mostly mumbling but I can overhear a few words.

"Test", "Positive", "Three weeks."

What test? Is she sick? Does she only have three weeks left? A million possibilities run through my head, none of them good. I hear Tris start crying. No. I can't think like that. Tris is fine. When I hear her calm down, I push the door open and walk in.

Tris's POV
As the doctor leaves, Tobias walks in. When I see him, I lose it again. I start sobbing. He sets the cake on the counter and rushes over.

"Hey," he says, with a caring look in his eyes. I don't know why this surprises me. I know he cares about me, but the soft look in his eyes looks foreign on his usually firm face. "I've got you." He sits down beside me and wraps me in his arms. Once I calm down I say,

"Tobias. I really need to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"I..." I start. But I can't form the words.

"It's okay," he says. "Take your time. I think we are going to be here for a while."

He grins. I move over on the bed to make room for him. He lies down next to me. I roll over onto my uninjured arm and wrap the other one around him, ignoring the pain. He rolls over so he is facing me and pulls me close.

"I'm scared to tell you. You might not want to still be with me after I tell you this." He stares at me like I'm insane. I start breathing heavily. I start shaking. I curse myself. I can't have a panic attack now. I start to gasp, my chest burns.

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