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Tris's POV
I wake up, snuggled against Tobias on the couch. I remember what is happening today and instantly get butterflies in my stomach. I'm just nervous that I won't be able to provide for my child. Or that I'm not stable enough. I haven't had a panic attack for the whole of the pregnancy, but I still am nervous. Then I feel soft lips press against my head. I look up and see Tobias grinning. I smile at him and sit up.

"Good morning," I say.

"Good?!" he asks. I stare at him, confused. "I think you mean great! I'm so excited!" I laugh. I have never seen Tobias this way. He's usually happy when he's with me, but this baby makes him happy in a different way. I don't know how to explain it, but it makes me smile.

"We have to be at Christina's at 10," he says. I look over at the clock. It's 9:04. I nod.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower," I say.

"Okay, do you want breakfast?" he asks. I nod and head into the bathroom. Just as I turn the shower on, I hear the door close letting me know Tobias left to get food. I quickly shower. When I get out, I put on my black leggings and a dark purple sweater that shows my baby bump. I brush my teeth and put on some mascara. I walk out of the bathroom and find Tobias sitting at the table, eating a bagel with cream cheese. I sit down across from him. He brought me a bagel, eggs, and fruit. After we finish breakfast, we head over to Christina's. I knock on the door and Christina pulls me inside.

"Okay," she says. "You guys are going to be here alone until three. DO NOT leave under any circumstances. There is food in the kitchen. Have fun but not too much fun!" she finishes as she walks out the door. I roll my eyes at how dramatic she is.

"Looks like we have all day to ourselves," Tobias says. "What do you want to do?"

Tobias picks me up and plops down on the couch. I laugh. "How can you still carry me?" I ask. "I'm huge!" Even though I'm only 3 months pregnant, the bump looks extra big on my small body. Tobias just laughs.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asks. I nod. We decide to watch an old movie called Beauty and the Beast. I don't get to watch all of it though. I fall asleep in Tobias's arms, knowing that I am going to find out the gender of my baby.

I wake to Tobias prying himself out from under me. I hear him walk to the door. Through the blur of sleep, I can hear Christina. Then the door closes and Tobias shakes me. I open my eyes.

"Come on, we have to get ready," he says with an excited smile on his face. I look over at the clock, it's 2:15. Tobias hands me the clothes Christina brought for us to wear. I go into the bathroom and pull on a pair of tight black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. White? That's odd. I walk out and see Tobias wearing the same thing.

"Why white?" I ask. He just shrugs.

"I do have one more thing for you to wear. Turn around," he says. I turn around and he strings a small necklace around my neck. It has a small silver chain with a small diamond charm.

"It's beautiful," I say turning around. I press my lips to his. For the next half hour, we just lounge around the house. At 3:00, Christina shows up at the door.

"You guys ready?" she says grinning. I nod and we follow her out the door.

When I realize that we aren't headed back to the apartment, I hurry to walk next to Christina.

"Where are we going, Chris?" She smiles at me.

"Well, we are going to reveal the gender at the Pit, then go back to your place to have a little party," she says. She leads us down to the Pit. I see all our friends. Zeke, Shauna, Uri, and Mar are standing near a few boxes. Lynn and Will are near the chasm. When they see us, they all come over and greet us.

"Okay! Are you guys ready to find out?" Christina shouts. Everyone shouts yes excitedly.

"Okay guys," Uri says. "Come stand over here." He leads us to the center of the room. I hold onto Tobias's hand.

"While you stand here," Will says.

"We are going to shoot colored powder at you," Christina finishes.

"Blue for a boy, pink for a girl. Obviously," Marlene says.

"Ohh, that's what the white shirts are for," I say. They nod.

"Okay, close your eyes," Zeke says while handing everyone a gun, filled with colored powder.

"On three!" Lynn shouts. "One... Two... Three!"

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