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Tris's POV
As I stare at Evelyn, I notice something peculiar. She is wearing a nurse's outfit. What is even more strange is the name tag. Violette.

"What are you doing here?" I try to demand, but my voice is shaky. Evelyn just laughs. But not a normal laugh. A chuckle. Like everything she has been planning is falling into place. I wish I had my gun, I think. Or my knife. I am standing in front of the woman who attacked Dauntless, completely unarmed.

"Well, you see, when I discovered that my fellow Factionless failed to carry out their mission, I had to come to finish it myself," she explains. I know what her "mission" was but I ask anyway,

"What mission?" Somehow her evil smile turns vicious.

"To kill you of course."

That's when I run. Not to get away from her, but to find a knife, a gun, or anything that can fatally injure. I can't kill her, Tobias would never forgive me.

Tobias's POV
After I get Tris's pain medicine, I start heading toward the entrance. It took me longer than I expected because I couldn't find that nurse, Violette. Luckily, an Amity woman, Eila, helped me. As I turn one of the corners, Tris runs right into to me.

"Oww," she says, holding her shoulder, panting.

"What happened? Why are you running? You shouldn't be running!" I say.

She gasps, gripping her stomach and shoulder. "Your... your mother... is here..." she manages. "Took Violette," she says gasping between words.

"Come on. We have to go then." I say wrapping an arm around her. We start running, slower than usual. We run out of the hospital and toward the train tracks.

"The train will be here in a few minutes," I say. "What happened?" She sits down.

"Your mom wants me dead. I don't know why, but she sent those Factionless to kill me." I stare at her. Why would my mother want her dead?

"That doesn't make any sense," I say. She nods.

"I know." I hear the train approaching. I help Tris to her feet and we start running. I jump onto the third car and help her up. When we turn around, there are 10 Factionless staring at us, guns in hand. They are here to kill. To kill Tris.

"Who are you?" one of the Factionless demands. He is tall with a buzz cut. I notice his eyes, or, eye. One eye is covered with a black eye patch. The other is dark brown and looks almost evil. Edward. But if it's Edward, why can't he recognize us? I cross my arm over Tris's body and pull her behind me. She holds onto my shoulder for support.

"I am Zeke and this is Shauna," I say. If I told them our real names they would kill Tris on the spot. "We are just trying to get back to the Dauntless headquarters."

Just as I say "Dauntless headquarters" Edward's eye no longer looks evil. Like he has been snapped out of a daze. The others, however, are still in a daze. He blinks and looks at the gun in his hand.

"What is going on!" he shouts. His eyes find us. "Four. You can't be here. Evelyn is trying to kill her!"

"Why?" I demand. "What's going on? Were you just in a sim?"

"Yes," he says. "I don't know how I got out of it, but everyone else is still in it. If you say her name, they will shoot." I nod. I look behind me at Tris. She doesn't look scared; like the worst is already over. But I am shaking. This is one of my worst fears. Tris dying. Ever since I met her, that's what my fear landscape has changed too.

"I will get you back to Dauntless, but do not talk," Edward says. I lead Tris over to a corner of the train and sit down. She crumples next to me. I wrap my arms around her body and hold her close to mine.

"How are you feeling?" I whisper.

"Like I just ran a marathon. How do Dauntless women survive being pregnant?" she whispers back. I give her a faint smile.

"Well most of them aren't being hunted by the leader of the Factionless."

"What are we going to do?" she asks.

"Honestly?" I say. "I don't know."

When the train slows, I know we are near Dauntless.

"Hey, wake up" I whisper. Tris has fallen asleep in my arms. I hate to wake her but I can't hold her and jump off a moving train at the same time. She opens her eyes and sits up.

"Here," Edward says, handing me a gun. "You are going to need it to get past the Factionless at the front entrance."

"How does my mother get away with placing Factionless at the Dauntless entrance?" I ask sarcastically. I take the gun and help Tris to her feet.

"You ready to jump?" I ask. She nods.

"I'm not that pregnant yet" she snaps. "Sorry, I don't know why I said that." She looks confused.

I laugh. "It's called mood swings."

I grab onto her hand and hold the gun secure in my other.

"One... two..." Three gets lost in the wind when we jump. Just for a moment, everything is forgotten. We are weightless. Then my feet slam into the ground. I jog a few feet to steady myself and Tris. I scan the area. There aren't any Factionless here. That means they must be hiding. The entrance to Dauntless is about 50 meters away. I wrap my arm around Tris.

"Come on" I whisper. Somehow we make it to the entrance without a problem. Together we walk inside.

Tris's POV
The second we enter the Dauntless compound, I hear someone shout.

"Tris!" It's Christina. She runs toward me, somewhat slowly, and embraces me in a bearhug.

"How are you? How's your shoulder? I saw you get shot! Why is Evelyn coming after you?" she says.

"Woah," I say. "Slow down. How do you know about Evelyn?"

"Well," she starts. "After you got shot, she came in here asking what hospital you were taken to. She said she wanted to see if you were okay. And of course, Eric told her."

I feel Tobias grab my hand again. He always knows when I need him. I tell Christina what happened at the hospital and on the train. I conveniently left out the part about me being pregnant.

"Wow." She says.

"Hey, Tris, I'm going to go meet with Zeke and the guys doing initiation." Tobias says. "You hang out with Chris and meet me back at the apartment tonight."

I nod and reach up to give him a kiss. Christina grabs my arm and pulls me away from him.

"Come on, I got something to tell you," she says. She leads me to our secret spot. Last year we decided to convert an old closet into our own little space. There aren't any cameras so it's safe to talk about serious things there. It's where I told her everything about Tobias, how I felt about Al, the panic attacks. I also told her about my Divergence there.

"This must be pretty serious," I say, jokingly. The look she gives me tells me this is no joke. "I have something to tell you too," I say. When we get inside the closet, both of us sit down.

"Okay," she says. "You can't tell anyone, not even Four." I nod. This must be really serious.

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