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Tris's POV
"Look how pretty mommy is," I hear Tobias say to River as I step out of the bathroom. I smile and take River from Tobias. I cradle her in my arms as she snuggles up against me. Tobias walks behind me and wraps his arms around me. He places his hands on top of mine and rests his head in the crook of my neck.

"You are both beautiful," he whispers. I bend down and plant a kiss on River's forehead. I turn around and Tobias crashes his lips to mine. I pull back and smile at him.

"I don't want to leave her," I say.

"I know, but it's only for two days and then she gets to come home." I nod. We stand there for a while, enjoying every moment with River. At 11:45, a nurse comes in to take River back to the NICU. We say our goodbye's then walked out of the Erudite compound, hand in hand, to catch the train. We got back to Dauntless around 12:30.

"Do you want to go get lunch?" I ask Tobias. He nods and leads me to the dining hall. Tobias heads to get our food while I find our friends. Easily, I spot the table with Christina, Will, Zeke, Shauna, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, and Sky.

"Hey guys," I say sitting down. There is a chorus of hellos from everyone just as Tobias comes back with two slices of cake.

The rest of the day passes by slowly. I convince Tobias to let me go to the training room. We trained for a few hours and then headed back to the apartment. I fell asleep around 7:00 that night. But I woke up in cold sweat around one in the morning.

"What's wrong?" Tobias asks groggily.

"Bad dream," I tell him. I snuggle up against his bare chest while his strong arms wrap around me.

"You're okay," he says.

"I know," I whisper. Tobias tilts my chin up and kisses me on the lips.

"I love you," he whispers in my ear, planting soft kisses on my back.

"I love you," I tell him. We fall back to sleep, both eager to see River again.

Tobias's POV
The two days passed by so fast. In no time, River was home with us. The day after River came home, I woke up with Tris in my arms and River sleeping peacefully in her room. I planted a soft kiss on Tris's head and snuck into River's room. I look down into the crib and find her swaddled in a pink and white blanket with her beautiful eyes looking back at me.

"Hey baby," I say.

As soon as she hears my voice, she starts giggling. I pick her up and loosen her swaddle. She reaches her arms up and places a small hand on my nose. I lean my chin up and kiss her fingers. Then a huge yawn takes over her face. I sit down in the rocking chair and lay her on my bare chest. I take her pink blanket and drape it over her. I hold her close to me and she falls back to sleep. It's only six in the morning, so it doesn't take long for sleep to overtake me once again.

Tris's POV
I wake up to an empty bed. Tobias tends to sneak out in the mornings. I pull myself out of bed and walk into River's room. I find Tobias asleep on the rocking chair with River on his chest. I smile and make my way over to them. I put one leg over Tobias and then the other. I sit facing him and take River who is now awake. I hold her and lean against Tobias. I plant a soft kiss on his lips and he wakes up.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," he says kissing me again. "What time is it?"

"It's about 8:30." He takes River from me. "What?" I ask getting up.

"We have to get ready!" he says taking River to the changing table.

"Ready for what?" He turns around and gives me a smirk. I raise my eyebrows at him. He turns back to River.

"We are going on a date tonight," he says. I find myself grinning.

"What about River?" I ask.

"It's all been taken care of. You two are going over to Christina's at 9. She's got your outfit and everything. You just have to be there on time. She was insistent that she had at least four hours to get you ready," he explains laughing a little.

"Um, okay. I'll go get River a bottle." I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I heat a bottle as Tobias comes back down with River. He has her dressed in pink, blue, grey, and black geometric patterned bottoms with a dark grey shirt that reads 'Daddy is my hero.' She also has a matching headband. I can't help but laugh. He hands her to me along with the bottle.

"You guys need to go," he says smiling.

"I'm not even dressed yet!" I protest. He shakes his head.

"Go. I love you." He leans down and gives me a passionate kiss. I nod and head out the door with River in one arm, a bottle in hand, and wearing sweatpants with one of Tobias's shirts, barefoot.

I knock on Christina's door and hear footsteps rushing toward it. Christina pulls open the door, looking more excited than usual.

"Oh no," I say. I do not want to go shopping.

"Don't worry we aren't shopping today," she says, almost reading my mind. She pulls me inside and carefully takes River from me. "Hey Ri Ri," she coos. "Guess what? Auntie Christina get to play dress-up with mommy today! When you are older I can play dress-up with you too!" I can't help but laugh. I take a seat on the couch just as Will walks in.

"Hey Tris," he says while hugging Christina from behind. I nod at him. Christina turns around and kisses him, a little too sloppy for my taste.

"Hey, not while you are holding my baby!" I say laughing.

"Lord knows she has already seen much worse," Christina replies wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes at her.

"I gotta get to work, bye guys," Will says leaving the apartment. Christina sits down next to me and hands me River so I can feed her.

As I do, I ask Christina, "So why am I here?" A smirk grows across her face.

"I'm helping you get ready for your date," she says. I glare at her.

"Mmhm." Just then, there is a knock on the door. Christina jumps up to open it, revealing Shauna and Marlene. They both squeal when they see me.

"Oh, good Lord."

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