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Tris's POV
On three, we are hit with powder. I squeeze Tobias's hand and we both turn and look at each other. A huge grin appears on his face, as it does mine. I look down. Both of us are covered in pink powder. We are having a baby girl. Tobias picks me up and kisses me.

"We are having a girl," I whisper in his ear. He nods.

"We are having a girl," he whispers back to me. He sets me down and I go over to hug Christina, Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn. Uriah comes over and gives me a hug too.

"You ready to go to your party?" Christina asks. I nod and grab onto Tobias's hand.

"Now that we know it's a girl," he whispers in my ear. "What do you want to name her?" I pause before answering. Then I lean in and whisper the name into his ear. He smiles.

"That's perfect."

"What are you two whispering about?" Zeke asks, raising an eyebrow.

"We just decided on the name," I say.

"Ooh!" Shauna squeals. "You have to tell us!" I laugh.

"At the end of the party," I decide. I look up and Tobias smiles, his way of agreeing with me.

"I don't know how you do it, Tris," Zeke says. "But I never see Four smile this much with anyone else." I blush and Tobias playfully punches him in the arm. We walk the rest of the way to the apartment, laughing and joking around. When we reach the door, Christina stops us.

"You guys ready?" she asks. Tobias and I nod.

Tobias's POV
A girl! I'm having a baby girl. I want to give her the whole world. I will do anything to protect her.

"Now that we know it's a girl," I whisper to Tris. "What do you want to name her?" She pauses then whispers the perfect name into my ear. "That's perfect," I say, and together we walk to our apartment.

When Christina opens the door, our apartment is decorated with pink. Pink streamers, pink table cloths, pink balloons, and best of all, pink food and cake. We walk in and more Dauntless follow. I guess when two Dauntless prodigies are having a baby, everyone wants to know. I pull Tris closer to me and squeeze her hand. For the next half hour, people come up to us with gifts and congratulations. Then a woman and a man, who I don't recognize, walk in. Tris freezes. I look from her to them. They are wearing grey clothes. The woman has the same eyes as Tris, while the man has the same nose. They must be her parents. Tris runs over to them and I follow behind her. Tris's mother engulfs her in a hug. Her father, however, looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. Her mother releases Tris and I put my hand on the small of her back. She has a few tears in her eyes, but she holds them back.

"Mom," she says. "What are you doing here?"

Tris's POV
I stand in shock with Tobias's strong hand wrapped around me. My parents are here.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Your friend, Christina, invited us," my mother says. Suddenly, I am filled with guilt. I should have been the one to invite my parents to the gender reveal.

"Oh, I'm so sorry mom," I say. "I was going to tell you I just..." My mother cuts me off.

"It's okay, Beatrice, really." I give her a faint smile.

"It's just Tris now," I say. My mother nods. My father hasn't said a word since they got here. He must still be angry that I switched factions.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" I say. "Mom, Dad, this is To- I mean- Four." I cringe as I say his nickname. "Four, this is my mother, Natalie, and my father, Andrew." Tobias shakes my mother's hand, although it looks unnatural. He just smiles at my father.

"Nice to meet you," Tobias says. I can feel the tension between my father and Tobias.

"So, you are my daughter's girlfriend?" My father asks. Tobias simply nods. I look at my mother. She must sense the tension as well.

"Well," she says. "We will leave you two so you can greet the rest of your guests." They walk away and I can hear my mother quietly scolding my father. Then I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding.

"Let's go get some cake," Tobias whispers to me. I smile and nod. He takes my hand and together we head over to where all the food is set up. On the table are snacks and drinks, mostly pink. There are strawberries, pink candies, pink lemonade, and more. In the center sits a huge chocolate Dauntless cake with pink frosting.

"Who wants cake?" Tobias shouts. The Dauntless cheer. Together we cut the first slice. Christina insists that we go sit down and she cuts the rest. I take the piece of cake and head to the couch, followed by Tobias and his cake. We sit together and eat. For a few more hours, everyone hangs out at our apartment. At 7:00 Zeke shouts to everyone.

"Okay everyone who isn't friends with us, you have to leave now! You know who you are." The Dauntless start to leave. We are left with Zeke, Shauna, Lynn, Marlene, Uriah, Christina, Will, and my parents. My mother comes up to me.

"I'm afraid your father and I have to leave now," she says. "Congratulations, again. If it's not too much trouble, would you mind sending us a letter when the baby is born?" she asks.

"Of course mom!" I say. "Thank you for coming." And with that, I watch my parents leave, with not so much as a goodbye from my father. I turn around and see Christina beaming at Tobias and me.

"Well," she says. "Are you going to tell us the name?" I look at Tobias.

"Oh, all right," I say sitting down on the couch. Tobias and Christina sit on either side of me. Will sits next to Christina. Uriah sits on the recliner chair, with Marlene on his lap. Zeke, Shauna, and Lynn sit on the floor across from us.

"Do you want to tell them?" I ask Tobias. He takes a deep breath.

"Her name will be River Fay Eaton."

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