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Tris's POV
"So, Tris," Dr. Scott says. "I heard your water broke. I'm going to check to see how dilated you are." I nod and place my feet up. While she checks me, I hold Tobias's hand. He looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes. For a moment, all my pain is gone. His eyes mesmerize me. I can see love, excitement, and fear all at once. I love him so much and I know he loves me. I know he will love River. He is going to be the perfect father. There is no one I would rather be with right now.

"I love you," I whisper. He smiles and leans down.

"I love you too," he whispers in my ear. Then he kisses me. Dr. Scott clears her throat and Tobias pulls away. I put my legs back down and sit up.

"Four, you might want to sit down," she says. I scoot over so that Tobias can sit next to me. He sits down and wraps one arm around me. "So, Tris," she starts. "You have been in labor for almost 13 hours. Usually, you should be either 8-9 centimeters or push. You however are only 5 centimeters dilated. Now we have two options. We can either do a c-section in the next hour, or we can give you a drug to hopefully speed up the labor." I look up at Tobias for a moment and see the panic in his eyes. "Now with the drug," she continues. "If we give it to you and it doesn't work, we will have to do an emergency c-section. The drug would make the c-section a lot riskier. And for someone of your size, the drug has an even lesser chance of working." I start to panic now. "I'll give you two some time to think this over. I'll be back in fifteen minutes," she says. Dr. Scott stands up from her chair and walks out the door. I look at Tobias. He knows what I am thinking.


"I have to take the drug," Tris says. "I have to try to have her naturally." I look into her beautiful blue-grey eyes.

"Tris," I try to reason. "You heard Dr. Scott. It probably won't work for you. And the c-section will be even riskier! You'll probably have to get one either way. Please, let's do the safer option." I can see tears forming behind her eyes.

"No, I have to try. Maybe we will beat the odds, maybe I can have River naturally." Just then she hunches over in pain, gripping her stomach. I hold her in my arms and rub her back. I don't want to see her like this any longer. I just want to hold my baby. I don't want Tris to hurt anymore. Once the contraction is over, she sits back up.

"I can't have gone through this pain just to be cut open, Tobias. I need to know that I did everything I could to have her the right way," she says. A few silent tears escape her eyes. I wipe them away.

"Tris, you aren't thinking straight. You are full of hormones. It's not worth risking your life to have River naturally. It won't matter, as long as both of you are safe," I tell her. We sit there in silence for a few minutes before there is a soft knock on the door. Dr. Sccott walks in and takes a seat on the black spinny chair in the middle of the room.

"Have you guys decided?" she askes. Tris nods her head. God, I hope she makes the right decision.

Tris's POV
"I'm going to have the c-section," I tell Dr. Scott. I look up and see relief in Tobias's eyes. He smiles at me.

"Alright," she says. "Let's get you prepped and we can start the surgery in an hour." Dr. Scott stands up and goes to call the nurses.

"Thank you," Tobias whispers in my ear. I try to return him with a smile, but I can't. I am too nervous. I know I shouldn't be, but I am. So many things could go wrong with the c-section. I could be hurt, or worse, River could be hurt. Tobias talks my hand as a bunch of nurses come into the room to prep me.

"Four, you are going t have to come with us," one of the nurses tells us. Tobias's grip tightens.

"Why?" he asks.

"Well," the nurse replies, sounding quite annoyed. "If you want to be in the room when your baby is born, we have to get you scrubbed." Tobias looks at me and I give him a reassuring smile as if to say it's okay. He nods and follows the nurse out the door.

"Okay Tris," another nurse tells me. "We have to transport you now. I'm going to help you into the wheelchair." I nod and sit up just as another contraction hits. After it passes, the nurse helps me into the wheelchair. Another nurse ties up my hair and puts a blue cap over it. She puts a wristband with mine and River's information on my left wrist. I am then rolled down the long white hallway to the operating room. I'm nervous and excited all in one. When the doors open, I can see Tobis through a window scrubbing his arms and other nurses helping him into scrubs. He smiles at me. The nurse thems helps me onto the bed.

"I'm am now going to numb you from the chest down," she says. I nod and see her put something into the IV. Immediately, my body goes numb. Tobias enters the room and comes over to me. He holds my hand and plants a kiss on my forehead. The nurse hangs a cloth, separating me from my stomach. After a few moments, Dr. Scott comes in.

"Okay, you ready, Tris?"

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