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Tobias's POV
Tris takes the flowers from my hand and sets them on the counter.

"You ready to go?" I ask. She grabs my hand and nods. She looks absolutely stunning tonight. I kiss her on top of her head.

"Where are we going?" she asks.

"Well," I say. "First we are going to dinner."

I lead Tris to our secret spot in the chasm. I have laid out a black blanket on the rocks with red rose petals and candles. I also brought lots of food. I hear Tris gasp.

"Do you like it?" I ask.

"It's amazing," she says. I smile and lead her to sit down.

For awhile we eat and talk. Once it gets dark out, the moonlight shines onto the water. Tris sits next to me with her head on my shoulder. I wrap one of my arms around her waist, holding her tight. I rest my other hand on her stomach. We sit in comfortable silence and watch the water in the chasm run. I look down at Tris. The moonlight makes her blue-grey eyes sparkle. She looks up at me and kisses me on the lips. We kiss and all time stops. We break away just to catch our breath. I lean down and kiss Tris's stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you," I whisper. I look back up at Tris and she has a silent tear running down her face.

"You are perfect," she says. I smile and wipe away her tear.

"You ready to go home?" I ask her after a while. She nods. I stand up and take her hand. Together we walk home.

"Here we are," I say, stopping in from of apartment 64a. Tris looks confused and I can't help but laugh.

"This isn't our apartment," she says. I smile and hold up the keys.

"It is now. I figured we would need a bigger one with River coming," I say. She beams. "Do you want to go inside?" I ask. She nods and I unlock the door to our new home.

Tris's POV
Tobias puts his keys into our new apartment and opens the door. I gasp as I look inside. When you first walk in, you see the living room. It is a cement room with a very tall ceiling. It is decorated with black and wooden furniture. There is a rustic looking chandelier hanging over it. On one wall is a giant window separating the living room from the staircase. Around the corner is the kitchen. It again is a cement room. It has black cabinets with a black granite pass-through counter. There are black bar stools and rustic looking decorations. There is a small bathroom down the hall, black walls with a white floor and white appliances.

"Let me show you upstairs," Tobias whispers in my ear.

He leads me back through the beautiful living room and up the stars. He takes me into the master bedroom first. It has dark wood walls and floors with a king bed in the center of the room. It has black bedding and a black bed stands with a lamp on either side. The bathroom is huge. It is black tile with a huge shower on one side. Next to it is a huge bathtub. Across the room, the black granite counter takes up the whole wall with two sinks. Then there is a smaller room with a toilet. Down the hall from the master bedroom is a smaller bedroom that is empty. It is connected to a bathroom similar to the one downstairs but with a shower/bathtub. The bathroom is then connected to another bedroom. This room however is decorated. The walls are split in half; the bottom half painted black, the top white. The floor is wood with a black and white carpet. On one wall is a copper crib with a pink mattress, a white blanket, and pink and white pillows. Above the crib is a geometric white, pink, black, and grey painting. Also in the room is a copper changing table, a toy and bookshelf, and a copper rocking chair with pink accents.

"This is going to be River's room," Tobias says. I feel tears in my eyes.

"How did you..." I start to say.

"Ever since you told me you were pregnant, I have been saving up for this apartment. Do you like it?" he asks. I throw myself into his arms and hold him close.

"I love it! it's perfect," I say.

That night, Tobias and I slept in our new apartment. We didn't have anything to change into, so I am still in my clothes from the previous night.

"Tobias," I whisper. "Tobias, wake up." He just groans. I pull myself out from under his arm and stand up.

"Hey!" he says. "You were keeping me warm!" I laugh at him.

"Come on! We can move in today!" He nods and stands up. Slowly we make our way back to our old apartment. When we get there, I take a quick shower. After, I pull on black leggings and a black sweater, with my necklace from Tobias. I do quick eye makeup and nude lips. I just let my hair be naturally wavy. I walk into the kitchen while Tobias takes a shower. I make some eggs and toast for us. All of a sudden I feel strong arms wrap around me.

"Smells good," Tobias whispers in my ear. I smile. He kisses my cheek then my neck. I let out a small sigh.

"I can't cook if you doing that," I say quietly. I feel him smile.

"You're no fun," he says, sitting down at the table. I give him a plate of food and sit across him with mine.

"So we need to figure out what we need to move and what we can leave here," I say. He nods and takes a bit of food.

"Well," he says. "Since I got it fully furnished, we really only need to bring what we want. Everything else is there." I nod. "I'll call and ask if Zeke and Shauna want to help," he says.

"Sounds good," I say.

When we finish breakfast, I start putting clothes in boxes while Tobias calls Zeke. 10 minutes later, Zeke and Shauna show up. While the boys take the boxes to the new apartment, Shauna and I continue to pack up our belongings. Shauna takes a box into the bathroom to pack up our stuff. I head into the living room. I take our pictures off the wall. Sometimes Christina forces Tobias and me to have a 'photoshoot'. I don't ever argue. There are pictures of Tobias and I kissing, one of me on his back, and there is one of us finding out I'm pregnant. Christina made us go to the ferris wheel to take that picture. I'm standing and Tobias is on one knee kissing my stomach. There are also pictures of the group, some of just us girls, some of the boys. There are pictures of Christina and me, and Tobias and Zeke. As I pack the pictures away, I get butterflies in my stomach. I can't believe this is my life. I am so happy.

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