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Tris's POV
The past three months have been mostly uneventful. After we finished training the initiates, all was quiet. We haven't heard anything from Evelyn since she visited me. My baby bump has grown to where you can now tell I am pregnant. So has Christina's. She is doing well with the thought of having a baby. Will is overjoyed, even though it's not his.

I wake up and feel his strong arms around me. Tobias. I feel his chest move when he breathes against my back. One arm is under my neck, acting as my pillow. The other is wrapped around my side, holding my stomach. Today I have an appointment. I'm am especially excited for this one, though. We get to find out if we are having a baby boy or girl. I honestly don't care; I will be happy with either. I know, however, Tobias wants a girl. He won't admit it, but I can tell. After we find out the gender, we will start setting up the nursery. Even though the baby won't be here for six more months, I feel like I am totally unprepared. But at this moment, all my worry dissipates as I feel Tobias kiss my back. I turn over so I face him.

"Good morning," I say. He is grinning from ear to ear.

"Today is the big day," he says. His dark, ocean blue eyes twinkle with eagerness. I press my lips to his. After a moment I pull back.

"Come on, let's get ready," I say. I stand up and I feel him looking at me. I wear one of his t-shirts, as usual, but the baby bump makes it so the hem barely covers my bum. I blush, hurry to grab my clothes, and head to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and pull on black leggings with a black sweater. When I come out of the bathroom, Tobias is sitting on the bed, tying his shoes. I sit beside him and pull on my black slip-on Vans. They are the only shoes that fit my feet. I look up at him, only to find him already staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You just look beautiful," he says. I smile and press my lips to his. I catch a glimpse at the clock. It reads 8:15 on December 5th. My appointment is at 9:00. I pull back from Tobias.

"Come on," I say, standing up and extending my hand to him. He grabs it.

"If we want breakfast we have to go now." He nods, and together we walk to the dining hall.

Tobias's POV
Excitement and nerves flow through my body as Tris and I head to the dining hall. I get to find out if we are having a boy or girl. It really doesn't matter to me, but I would love to have a baby girl to spoil. But if we have a boy, I will have my own little warrior to train. Either way, I will be happy.

When we reach the dining hall, Tris goes to find a seat with Christina. I get in line to get breakfast for the both of us. I simply get myself a muffin, but I know better then to not bring a pregnant woman anything less then a full meal. I get Tris eggs, bacon, a muffin, fruit, and a piece of chocolate cake. She has been craving it lately. I sit down next to Tris across from Christina. She gets to find out the gender of her baby tomorrow. So naturally, that's all the girls can talk about. I give Tris a kiss on the cheek and hand her your plate.

"Thanks," she says. I sit down and quietly eat my muffin while the girls talk. Soon enough, the clock reads 8:50.

"You ready?" Tris asks.

"Definitely," I say. We wave goodbye to Christina who goes to find Will, and we walk hand in had to the infirmary.

Tris checks herself in and we sit in the waiting room.

"So I've been thinking," she says.

"Uh oh," I reply teasing her. She rolls her eyes.

"I am going to have the doctor put the gender in an envelope, and Christina is going to throw us a small gender reveal. I'm going to do the same for her," she says. I stare at her.

"Are you insane?!" I ask. She looks at me quizzically.

"You're going to make me wait even longer to find out if we are having an son or a daughter!" She laughs and lightly kisses my lips. Just then, the nurse calls her name. We stand and follow her to a small room with the ultrasound machine.

"The doctor will be right in," she says. I smile at her. I help Tris onto the chair. And then, we wait.

Tris's POV
A few moments later, there is a knock on the door and my doctor walks in. She has mocha colored skin, with short black hair. She almost looks like Christina. I lay back in the chair and lift up my shirt so she can put the gel on it. Tobias holds my hand.

"How are we feeling today, Tris?" she asks.

"Everything is good," I say. I feel the cold gel on my stomach. We turn out attention the the monitor. Our baby appears on the screen. As we listen to the heartbeat, I feel tears tickle my eyes. I squeeze Tobias's hand. He smiles down at me.

"Would you like to know the gender?" The doctor asks.

"Can you put it in an envelope?" I ask. She nods and wipes the gel off my stomach. She leaves and returns with a cream envelope. Tobias takes it from her and puts it in his pocket. We thank her and leave, hand in hand, to find Christina.

Tobias's POV
As we walk to Christina's, Tris stops me.

"Can you take it to Chris?" She asks. I look at her.

"I just don't feel good and want to go lie down," she finishes.

"Of course," I reply, giving her a kiss on the forehead. We then turn opposite directions, and I make my way to Christina's. I knock on her door and she opens it.

"Hi?" she says, almost asking. I take the envelope out of my back pocket and hand it to her.

"Tris wanted me to bring you this, it's the gender," I say. She squeals.

"Yay! I've been waiting for this! Just make sure that you and Tris come over here at 10," she says. I nod, thank her, and head back to the apartment. Before I can reach it, I am intercepted by Max.

"Hello Four," he says. I nod. "I was just wondering," he continues. "If you would like a job on leadership?" he asks.

"What happened?" I ask. "I thought there weren't any job openings." He looks almost sad.

"Yes well," he starts. This can't be good. "Eric was just found dead in an alleyway. Stabbed to death." Shock takes over me.

"I'll talk to Tris about it," I manage to say. He nods and walks away. When I reach our apartment, Tris isn't in the living room.

"Tris!" I call out. I hear a small mumble come from our bedroom. I walk into the bedroom and see Tris, standing by our bed-which is covered in blood-holding a pice of paper and a bloody knife. He face is white as a sheet.

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