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Tobias's POV
I rush over to Tris, taking in the scene. The bedsheets are stricken with blood. Tris holds a letter, covered in bloody fingerprints. She also holds a knife that is dripping with blood.

"Wha..." I start to say. She hands me the letter. On it, is a short note.

It's done

Oh my God. My heart sinks as I realize what has happened.

"Tris..." I say. She looks up at me and her eyes are filled with not fear, but sheer terror.

"Max just told me," I almost choke on the words. "That Eric was found dead." At this, she wraps her arm around her stomach and starts breathing heavily. She seems to do this more and more when she is scared.

"So then," she says after she catches her breath. I nod. She doesn't have to finish. We both know what has happened. Eric was the one that was going to make me kill Tris. My mother found this out, so she killed him. And she left us all the evidence. We could keep her secret, or we could turn her in. Which one we will do, I do not know.

Tris's POV
I look back and forth between my blood-stained hands and Tobias. His eyes wander from the blood-covered note in his hands to me.

"We should, um, you should go wash off," he says. I try to respond but I can't. I hold the knife in my hand that Evelyn used to kill Eric. Tobias makes his way over to me. He takes the knife from my hand and sets it down on the bed. He has a few smears of blood on his hand. He takes my hands in his.

"Look at me," he says. I tilt my head up and meet his dark blue eyes. I feel calmer. "You go take a shower. I am going to take this stuff to Max. He'll know what to do. I'll get new sheets too."

I nod and pull myself next to him. He hugs me for a moment and then releases me. I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom. I let the shower heat up, and get in. I let the warm water trickle over my body. I take the soap and lather my hands, desperately trying to get the blood off. The water runs over my hands and turns pink. I finish my shower and dry off. I pull on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black sports bra. I hardly bother with shirts anymore. It just becomes uncomfortable with my bump. Before I head out of the bathroom, I feel a small pain in my stomach. I look down and feel it again, this time corresponding to a small ripple on the side of my bump. It's my baby, kicking. I smile. I realize everything is going to be fine. No one is trying to kill me. Tobias and I are okay. My baby is healthy and we are about to find out the gender. As soon as this mess with Eric and Evelyn is over, we will be able to settle down and focus on our family. I smile at this realization and open the door.

When I step into the living room, I see Tobias sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I make my way over to him and sit down next to him. I wrap my arms around him. When he looks at me, the expression in his eyes surprises me. It's not fear, not anger, not sadness. Nothing. It's nothing. Like he is devoid of feeling.

"They are going to test the fingerprints on the knife and letter. They will probably arrest Evelyn, maybe even execute her," he says. He says it without emotion, like it's a fact.

"Tobias," I say. "I'm sorry." He looks at me quizzically.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for. This is her fault. She shouldn't have killed Eric," he says.

"I know," I say. At that, he stands up and looks down at me. I stand up too, facing him. All of the light has returned to his mesmerizing, beautiful, blue eyes.

"Tomorrow," he says. "We get to find out the gender." He looks so excited.

"I know! I can't wait. Then we can start decorating the nursery." He smiles. I press my lips to his. We decide to sleep on the couch together; neither of us wants to be in that room. He rests his head on the arm of the couch and I lie down on top of him. Together we fall asleep, eager to find out the gender of our little baby.

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