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Tobias's POV
I hold Tris's hand while we sit in the car on the way to our date. Tris snuggles up against me. I wrap an arm around her, I hope she can't tell I'm shaking.

"Where are we going?" she whispers. I lean down and whisper into her ear.

"It's a surprise." I look at her as she smiles. She is absolutely beautiful. The way her hair frames her face and how her eyes sparkle. I am in love with her.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because you are beautiful." She blushes. A few minutes later, the car stops. I get out and hold the door for Tris. She smiles at me and takes my hand.

Tris's POV
As I step out of the car, I find myself standing in front of a field. It stretches far, covered in red flowers. The sky above is dotted with stars.

"This is one of the last spots in the city where you can see nature," Tobias whisper.

"It's beautiful," I say. I stand there, awestruck, as Tobias guides me down a path. We walk for a few moments before coming to a clearing. There, a burgundy blanket is laid out with cake and drinks.

"Tobias," I whisper. "You didn't have to do this" He smiles and brings me closer to him. I press my body against his and look into his eyes.

"I know, but I wanted to," he says. I smile and lean up for a kiss but he tilts his head to doge me, kissing just under my ear. Then he moves to my jaw and neck. I trace my fingers along his back, tracing his tattoos. Finally, he takes my face in his hands and kisses me, passionately. I loop my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. We kiss for a while, not wanting to let each other go. When we pull back, we stand there holding each other. I gaze up at the stars. Eventually, Tobias breaks the silence.

"Are you hungry?" I look up at him and smile.

Tobias's POV
I take Tris's hand and lead her to the little picnic. We sit down across from one another. I look into the black bin containing ice and a bottle of champagne. I pull it out and show it to Tris. She smiles and nods.

"I figured since you aren't pregnant anymore you would want a drink," I say smirking a little. She laughs and nods. I hand her a glass and pour myself one. I clink my glass against hers and we both take a sip.

"I brought sandwiches," I say. Tris smiles, making me smile.

"I love your sandwiches," she says. We laugh and eat for a while together. I also brought a cake for us to eat. Every moment, I can't help but find my eyes glued on her. I wonder if I will always be this attracted to her. She draws me to her. I must be staring too long because she looks at me quizzically.

"What?" she says laughing a little.

"I... you're... I have no words," I finally manage to say. A smile grows across her face while she blushes. "You are so perfect," I say tilting her chin up. I stare into her beautiful eyes and pull her lips to mine. Our kiss stops all time. All that matters is us, right here, right now. After a while, we pull apart but still hold each other close. We lie back on the blanket and look up at the stars, pointing out the few constellations we know. I turn my head to look at Tris as she gazes up at the sky, a look of awe gleaming in her eyes.

"Hey," I whisper.


I take a deep breath and whisper into her ear, "Let's go for a walk."

Tris's POV
Tobias stands up and extends his hand for me to take. I look up at him and take it. He laces our fingers together and guides me along a trail, taking us deeper into the field. He pulls me closer to him and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I bring my hand up and lace my fingers with his again. We walk for a few moments in our familiar, but comfortable, silence. Eventually, Tobias stops walking. He turns to face me and takes my hands in his. I look up into his eyes and smile, though he seems nervous. I lean up and kiss him and he deepens it. We pull back and smile at each other. He looks deep into my eyes and then lets out a shaky breath.

"Tris," he says. I smile even more. "I have known from the moment I met you, that you were the one. There has never been, nor ever be, another girl. I love you so much and nothing could change that. And having River with you, I don't know Tris, it was like I fell in love with you all over again." He pauses which gives me time to let out a shaky breath of my own. I feel tears gathering behind my eyes. Oh my god, is this really happening, I think. Tobias lets out another breath and then gets down on one knee. He pulls out a small box from his pocket. I start crying now. He looks up at me and opens the box. Inside sits a beautiful ring. It has two rose gold bands covered with small diamonds. In the center sits a bigger diamond.

"Beatrice Prior, will you marry me?" he asks. I feel my breath get caught in my throat. I can't help but smile and cry at the same time.

"Yes, of course," I say. He slips the beautiful ring on my finger and picks me up in a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry tears of joy into his shoulder.

He kisses me on the neck and then whispers, "I love you, Tris Eaton."

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