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Tris's POV
Slowly, I nod my head and grip Tobias's hand a little bit tighter. Through his blue mask, I can picture his smile. Suddenly, I feel a small sting on my abdomen.

"You okay?" Tobias asks.

"Yeah," I say, letting out a breath I did not know I had been holding in. I hear Dr. Scott and the nurses talking, but I don't know what they are saying. The beeping of the machines and the clattering of tools drowns out most of the noise.

"Okay doctor, we're ready," I hear a nurse say.

"Okay. Four, Tris, are you guys ready to be parents?" Dr. Scott asks us. Tobias nods his head. A few moments later, I feel a weight lift off of my stomach. And then, I hear the most amazing sound in the world. I hear my baby cry.

"Congratulations! You have a baby girl," a nurse tells us. "Date of birth," she says to Dr. Scott. "March 15, 1:10 am."

I can feel tears of joy running down my face as I hear River cry. Her beautiful cry, telling me she is okay.

"Four, do you want to come cut the cord?" Dr. Scott asks. Tobias nods and walks behind the curtain.

"She's beautiful, Tris," Tobias tells me. I feel more tears run down my face.

"Can I see her?" I ask. A moment later, A nurse walks around the corner holding River. She is a perfect mix of both of us. She has my nose and lips. she has Tobias's beautiful blue eyes. she has a little bit of brown hair on her head. I reach up to hold her small hand. Her small fingers wrap around one of mine. since she is three months early, she is so tiny.

"We have to take her to the NICU," the nurse tells me.

"Go with her," I tell Tobias. He nods and kisses me on the head and then follows the nurse out the door.

"Okay Tris, we are going to get you stitched back up, and then you can go see her," Dr. Scott tells me. I lie back and close my eyes, replaying the picture of my beautiful daughter in my head.

Tobias's POV
I follow the nurse to another room. She places River in a machine-like crib that has a glass box around it. She puts oxygen tubes around River's small face. The nurse must see the worry on my face.

"It's just going to help her breathe. Since she is so small, her lungs might not be strong enough to breathe on her own. It's just a precaution," she tells me. I nod. She puts a diaper on River and swaddles her in a black blanket we brought. She places River into the crib and closes the top. "We have to take her to the NICU now. I can have someone take you to the LDR unit, or the Labor and Delivery Recover unit. It's where Tris will be once she is finished with the surgery." I nod again. Another nurse comes and leads me away from my baby, to Tris.

Tris's POV
After the surgery, I was wheeled into a large room. It was pretty similar to the one I was in before. It is mostly white and has everything for a new baby. There is a crib next to my hospital bed, a rocking chair, a changing table, and a dresser for all of our clothes. I assume we are going to be here for a while. I lay on the bed waiting for someone. Dr. Scott said she'd be back to explain everything, whatever that means, once Tobias got back. I was given the birth certificate for Tobias and me to sign. Soon, Tobias walks in with a nurse.

"I'll call for Dr. Scott," she says leaving.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Tobias asks, coming to sit on the chair next to the bed.

"I still can't feel anything," I say, laughing weakly.

"How's River?" I ask. He gives me his perfect smile, making all my fears fade away.

"She is perfect."

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