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Tris's POV
Slowly, I make my way down to the infirmary. I silently scold myself for my panic attack last night. I told myself I wasn't going to have one with the baby. Tobias would tell me it's not my fault, that I can't help it. But I'm supposed to be Dauntless. I'm supposed to be brave. I bet I am the only one in the compound who has panic attacks. I should be able to take care of myself. If I can't take care of myself, how am I going to take care of River? My thoughts are interrupted as I run into something. I look up and see Uriah.

"Hey, Tris!" he says excitedly.

"Oh, hey Uri." I smile at him.

"Where you off to?"

"I have an appointment for the baby," I tell him.

"Ooo, mind if I tag along?" he asks. I smile. I haven't been hanging out with anyone lately, because of everything that's been going on.

"Sure, I'd love the company," I tell him. Together we walk to the infirmary.

"So where's your scary boyfriend?" he asks.

"Oh, you know, off doing scary boyfriend things." We laugh. When we get to the infirmary, Uriah waits outside the room. I go lie down on the table. A few moments later a nurse walks in. She explains to me that she is going to do an ultrasound to get a picture of the baby. She applies the goo to my stomach and rubs the device around. An image pops up on the screen. I see River curled in a little ball. The nurse writes some notes and then gives me a printed picture. I wipe off the goo and walk out.

"How'd it go?" Uriah asks. I smile and show him the picture. He sighs like he is relieved.

"What?" I ask him.

"I'm just glad she's not a pansycake!" I laugh and we head down to the dining hall.

Uriah and I make our way over to our usual table. Marlene, Christina, Will, Zeke, and Tobias are already sitting down and eating. I walk over and sit down next to Tobias.

"Hey, how'd it go?" I ask.

"I'll tell you later," he says.

"How about you? How's River?" I pull the picture out of my pocket and show it to him. He smiles and kisses me.

We kiss until I hear Uriah yell, "No PDA!" I laugh and break apart from him. As he shows the picture to the rest of the group, I steal some of his cake. He doesn't notice until it's almost gone.

"Hey!" he shouts. I laugh and take the last bite. All of a sudden, he picks me up bridal style and takes me to the apartment. I lean my head on his shoulder and laugh, breathing in his smell. We get inside of the apartment and he sets me down on the couch and kisses me. I kiss back for a moment then pull away.

"What?" he asks. "I'm hungry," I say. He laughs at me.

"Tris, you just ate all of my cake." I pout.

"That was five minutes ago!" I try to reason with him. He laughs and goes into the kitchen. I take the picture of River and put it in a frame. I hang it on the wall next to the picture of Tobias and I finding out the gender. Tobias comes back into the living room with two pieces of cake. We sit down on the couch and eat together.

"So, did you take the job?" I ask. He looks down at his food and twirls the fork around.

"I told Max that I would do it as long as I have enough free time to take care of you and River," he says. I smile and lean over to kiss him on the cheek.

"That's good," I say. He nods. I look over at the clock. It's only 1:00.

"Hey, do you want to invite everyone over tonight?" I ask.

"Sure," he says. "What time?"

I think for a second and then say, "Like 6:00?" He nods and gets up to go call everyone. I take our empty plates to the kitchen and start tidying up. Tobias comes back a little while later and tells me everyone is coming, and Lynn is bringing a 'special' friend. Once the house is tidied, we set out food. Chips and dip, fruit, veggies, cake, and a bunch of other snacks and drinks. Then, we head into our room to shower and get ready.

Once Tobias and I finish showering, I start getting ready. I stand in the bathroom, in my black robe, and start doing my makeup. I decide on a gold/reddish smokey eye look. I wear mascara and eyeliner with that. I then put on foundation over my blemishes and some red lipstick. By then, my hair is dry. I curl my hair into loose waves. My hair is so long now it falls into the middle of my back. Even though it's winter, I put on some shorts and tuck in a black t-shirt. I wear a dark grey flannel with red and green designs. I pull on my black Vans and place my necklace around my neck. I head back downstairs and find Tobias eating some cake.

"Hey! Not yet!" I scold him. He gives me a sly smile and feeds me a bite. Of course, it's absolutely delicious.

"No more!" I tell him.

"Okay fine," he says.

It's 5:00 so Tobias and I sit around a wait for the gang to show up. Zeke and Shauna arrive first. Then Uriah, Marlene, Will, and Christina come. At 6:15, we are all waiting for Lynn. She finally comes at 6:23.

"Hey, where's your friend?" I ask.

"Umm, well she's outside. I really like her guys so don't do anything weird." She says that last part looking at Uriah.

"Okay, okay. I promise not to be weird," he says with a sly smile.

"Uri..." Lynn warns.

Uriah holds his hands up in defeat. Lynn walks back outside. A moment later, she walks in with a girl. She is about the same height as Lynn, with tan skin. Her dark brown hair falls past her shoulders. She has bright green eyes.

"Guys this is Sky," Lynn announces. Everyone introduces themselves For a while, we stand around and talk and eat. We all get to know Sky a little better.

Around 7:30, Zeke announces, "Who wants to play Candor or Dauntless?!" There is a chorus of "yeah" and "sure". We all sit in a circle.

"I'll go first!" Uriah says. This is gonna be a fun game.

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