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Tris's POV
For a few hours, the girls, River, and I sit around Christina's apartment. At 12:30, the girls shove me into the bathroom to shower. They have laid out a white robe for me when I'm done. I take a long hot shower, letting the water fall over my scar. My stomach has mostly returned to how it was before becoming pregnant. The whole experience was crazy. Of course, it wasn't normal, nothing in my life is normal. I hope to have more kids one day and have them naturally. I don't regret having River like this, though. I'm so happy she came early. And I know Tobias is too. The way he is with River makes my heart melt. He is so gentle and caring. He looks at us like we are the only things that matter. Our family is the only thing that matters to both of us.


I must be in the shower for too long because Christina bangs on the door.

"Tris! Hurry up, I have to get you ready!" she yells.

"Okay," I call back, turning off the water. I hop out and dry myself off. I pull on the robe and open the door for Christina.

"Where's River?" I ask.

"With Shauna and Mar." I try to push past her but she blocks my way.

"Can you guys give her a bottle!" I cal out since Chris won't let me pass.

"Yeah," they call back in unison. I follow Christina into her bedroom.

"Sit," she says pointing at the stool in front of her vanity. I groan.

"Where is he taking me anyway?" I ask. "Why is it so special." I take a seat on the stool and look at Christina in the reflection of the mirror.

"You'll see," she says smirking. "Now, hold still.

I sit in front of the mirror while Christina puts my hair into beautiful curls. Shauna and Mar come into Chris's room and sit on the bed to talk to us while Chris gets me ready. I hold a sleeping River in my arms.

"So, how's being a mom, Tris?" Shauna asks.

"It honestly has been pretty easy. We have only been on our own with River for one night and she slept soundly through it. She's a good baby," I tell them.

"Well," Shauna says. "Being a mom suits you, Tris." I smile and look down at River. She is sleeping peacefully. Her lips are slightly parted, just how Tobias sleeps. I get tears behind my eyes.

"Tris?" Marlene asks. "I'm just so lucky," I say. "I've got River, Four, you guys. It's perfect. I wrote to my parents the other day telling them River was born. They were so happy for us. I'm just so lucky." I shake my head and plant a kiss on River's head. Christia squeezes my shoulders. I smile at the three of them through the mirror. Chris finishes my hair, letting it fall in beautiful curls. She moves on to my makeup. She does a beautiful auburn smoky eye with eyeliner. She applies red lipstick but leaves the rest of my face natural. Once she is finished she looks at me.

"You look beautiful," she says. Shauna and Mar nod in agreement.

"Your outfit is in the bathroom," Christina says taking River. "Go change."

I nod and head into the bathroom. I change into the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It has a black slip That goes down to the middle of my thigh, with black sheer fabric continuing to my feet. The dress has sparkles all over it. It has a deep v-neck that shows off my necklace from Tobias. I pull on the small black heels that are on the counter. I look at myself in the mirror. I do look beautiful.

I walk out of the bathroom and all the girls gasp.

"Oh, Tris," Christina says. I blush and look down. I do look pretty, but why am I getting dressed up so fancy? Shauna hands me a sleeping River.

"Four should be here soon, he'll probably want to say hi to River," she says. Just then there is a knock on the door. Christina shoots up.

"I'll get it," she says. I laugh, knowing it's Tobias. I hear her open the door and some indistinct chattering. Shauna, Mar, and I walk out into the living room. Tobias is standing at the door dressed in a black suit holding red roses. He smiles at the sight of River and me. I blush and walk over to him. He leans down and kisses River on the head. Christina takes her from me and the girls leave the room. He hands me the roses and pulls me in by the waist.

"You look so beautiful," he whispers in my ear. I shiver as he kisses my neck, then my lips.

"You look good too," I whisper. I feel him smile against my lips.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks taking my hand. I nod and set the roses down before we leave. As we walk, Tobias rubs circles on my hand. I lean into him, yearning to be closer.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see," he replies. As we turn a corner, we come to a black car.

"You ready?" he whispers in my ear. I let out a shaky breath.

"With you? Of course."

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