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Tris's POV
"Okay," Christina says. "You go first. Your news is probably better than mine." She laughs shakily. I take a deep breath. I haven't told anyone but Tobias.

"Okay, I'm pregnant," I say. She stares at me. For too long. "What?" I say. She purses her lips.

"I'm pregnant too," she says.

"Really! That's amazing!" I say. "We are going to be moms at the same time! Does Will know?" I ask.

"Well," she says. "That's the problem. It isn't his." I stare at her, dumbfounded. She looks down. Why would Christina cheat on Will? When she looks back up, her eyes convey something I can't read. "But I didn't cheat on Will if that's what you're thinking." Thank goodness.

"Then, how?" I ask. She starts crying. I wrap her in my arms. "It's okay," I say. "You can tell me anything." She takes a few deep breaths and says

"Peter," she chokes. "Forced me." I stare at her. Anger boils inside me. Peter. The man who tried to push me over the chasm. The man who groped my chest. No, not a man. A boy. Tobias is a man, he would never do that. Peter is a boy. A boy who hasn't been taught how to be a decent human.

"Does Will know that?" I ask, forcing myself not to explode. She shakes her head. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shakes her head again. "Can I go confront him?" I ask. After a moment she looks up at me. Her eyes are puffy red and wet with tears.

"Ruin him," she says shakily. "Please Tris." I stand up and walk out. To my surprise, Christina follows me. I don't know what I will do to Peter when I find him, but I will make him regret every decision he has ever made. Including, raping my best friend.

"If you need to," she starts. "Tell him what has happened. Try not to, but you can. But, can we go tell Will first? Together?" I nod and we start heading to her apartment. Together.

Christina's POV
As Tris and I walk to my apartment, I can see the anger boiling in her eyes and pleading to escape through her fists. But I, I am terrified. I don't know how Will is going to react. I am about to tell him that I am pregnant, but it's not his. I am going to tell him that I have been raped. We walk down the long dark hallway, only lit by blue light, to the end. When we reach the door to my apartment, I grab onto Tris's wrist.

"Tris," I say. She looks at me. Her eyes glisten with the threat of tears. "Will you tell him?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"You have to tell him. I am here if he spins out, okay?" she says. "You can do this. Be brave Chris."

I grab onto her hand and push open the door. Our apartment is small. When you walk in there is a small grey couch and a TV. Across from that is the kitchen. It's not much, but it's perfect for the two of us. I guess we will have to move when I have the baby. Or maybe there won't be a "we", just "I." Will is sitting on the couch, reading a book. He used to be Erudite. Even though he is supposed to completely forget his old ways, he likes to read when he has free time.

"Hey Chris," he says. "Oh hey, Tris" he continues. He must notice the tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"You might want to sit down, Will," Tris says.

Tris's POV
Will sits down on the couch with Christina next to him. I stand across the room, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Are you guys going to tell me what's going on?" he asks. Christina clears her throat a sits up a little bit straighter.

"Will..." she starts. "I'm pregnant." He stares at her, then me.

"How?" he demands, almost yelling. "It can't be mine! So how?" Now he is yelling. Christina shudders.

"I was... um... I was forced," she chokes out. I watch all the anger leave Will's face, replaced by fury.

"Who...?" he asks after a minute. Christina doesn't answer.

"Peter," I say. Suddenly he stands up, fists clenched.

"Let's go, Tris." I follow him to the door. Before I leave, I look back at Christina. She has a faint smile on her face. I turn back to Will.

"You know what we have to do?" He asks. I nod. Together we head down to the Pit.

Will's POV
Walking down to the Pit with Tris gives me time to think. Pregnant? How can Christina, my girlfriend of two years, be pregnant. We haven't even done it! But of course, Peter has to ruin this for us! He had to ruin the most special thing in our relationship! Tris looks at me.

"Will," she says. "I know you are mad, but we can't kill him."

"I know," I say bitterly.

Tris's POV
When we reach the Pit floor, it's mostly empty, except for a few people. Standing next to the chasm is Peter. Will starts to walk towards him, but I grab his wrist before he can get far.

"What?" he says.

"I can't get beat up, okay?" I say.

"Why". I might as well tell him.

"Because I'm pregnant." He stares at me in disbelief.

"Were you raped too?" he whispers.

"No," I say. "Come on let's go."

When Peter sees us, he laughs. "Look who it is," he says. " How's your shoulder, Tris?" He slaps my bad shoulder. I bring my arm up and punch his off me, forgetting the throbbing pain in my shoulder. He stares at me. In his moment of disbelief, Will punches him square in the nose. I hear a cracking noise. Peter looks at us. He punches Will in the gut.

"What the hell what that for!?" Peter yells, grabbing his nose. I knee him hard in the groin. He bends over. By now, the remaining people in the Pit have started watching.

"That," I say, knocking him to the floor. "Is for Christina," I say through gritted teeth. I kick him hard in the side. I look down at him. He is a coward. "You Peter," I spit at him. "Are a coward."

I walk away, leaving Will to finish him. I start walking back to the apartment. I am going to have to explain everything to Tobias. When I turn the corner, I feel a hand wrap around my face. I try to scream but the hand clamps around my mouth harder. Then I start to have another panic attack. Suddenly the hand smells like soap and lemongrass. My new kidnapper turns into Al again. I am over the chasm being groped by Peter.

"Calm down!" A woman tells me. I don't know why, but I listen. I imagine Tobias's heartbeat and breath. In, out. In, out. The woman sets me down. We are in a dark hallway lit by only one blue light. I look up at my kidnapper. I find myself face to face with Tobias's mother. Evelyn.

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