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Tris's POV
Tobias groans as he gets out of bed. He goes to the bathroom to get ready and I go into the living room. Will is sitting on the couch tying his shoes. Christina is in the kitchen, eating whatever she can find.

"Good morning," Will says.

"Hey," I reply. "So Four and I have to go finish everything to be ready by 1. You guys have to stay here. Chris, I'll bring you some clothes." I say to both of them.

"Okay!" Christina says. She looks so excited. Tobias comes out of the bathroom grabs a muffin with one and my hand with his other.

"You ready to go?" he asks. I nod.

"See you guys at 1!" I call back to Christina and Will.

Christina's POV
At 12:00 there is a knock on Tris's door. I open it and see Tris standing there with a bag, probably my clothes.

"Here is your outfit," she says. "Get ready and you can leave at 1:00. Don't leave before that. Meet us at the Pit. I'm trusting you not to go to your apartment," she says smirking.

"Okay," I say. "I won't. See you later." She gives me a hug and leaves. I close the door and walk back into the living room. Will is still asleep on the couch. All day, we were just watching movies and napping. I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

"Oww," he grumbles. "Get up! It's time!" I say squealing. He jumps up and engulfs me in a hug. I kiss him but then pull away. "Let's go get ready," I say. I head into the bathroom and do my hair in loose waves. I do dark eyeshadow, eyeliner, and red lipstick. I then put on the outfit Tris brought me. It's a black and white striped shirt, tucked into a black skirt, and black fishnet leggings. It takes me 45 minutes to get ready. I go out into the living room and see Will sitting on the couch watching TV again. I sit next to him and pull on my black combat boots. At 1:00, Will and I head to the Pit.

Tris's POV
At 1:00, Christina and Will show up at the Pit. Tobias, Shauna, Zeke, Marlene, Uriah, Lynn, and I are already there. All day we had been running around getting last minute things together. Everything is set up at her apartment and we have the colored fireworks ready to be set off over the chasm. Christina heads towards me and I engulf her in a hug.

"You look amazing," I say. And it's true. The outfit I picked out is super cute. I guess since I am having a baby girl, I should prepare for her to be girly.

"Thanks," Christina says. I smile and lead her over to the edge of the chasm.

"Okay you guys stand here," I say to Will and Christina. They take their place by the edge and look out over the roaring river. I walk back to Tobias. Everyone picks up a firework gun.

"On three!" I shout. "One, two, three!"

Everyone shoots their fireworks over the chasm. Above the river, they explode in blue patterns. Christina screams and kisses Will.

"THEY ARE HAVING A BOY!" Uriah shouts.

Christina runs over and gives me a hug. She hugs Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn too. After a few minutes, the group heads back to Christina's apartment for the party. The past two days, we have spent decorating the place in blue, just like Christina did to our place. Blue decorations, blue balloons, blue food, blue cake. There aren't as many Dauntless here, but our friends and Christina's and Will's parents came. We hang out and play Candor or Dauntless all night. At 11:30, Tobias and I head home. I don't even bother showering tonight. I pull on one of Tobias's shirts and crawl in bed. Tobias wraps his arms around me.

"Good night, Tris," he whispers in my ear. Then he leans down and kisses my stomach. "Good night, River.

I press my lips to his and whisper, "Good night Tobias, I love you." He pulls me close and I bury my head into his bare chest.

"I love you too."

The soft buzz of the razor wakes me up the next morning. I roll over and look to the bathroom. Tobias stands at the sink, shaving his small stubble. I get out of bed and hug him from behind. We stand in comfortable silence.

"I'm taking you on a date tonight," he says after a while. I look in the mirror and see him smirking.

"Okay," I say. He turns around and plants a kiss on my lips.

"There are muffins in the kitchen. I'm going to go. I'll pick you up here at 5:00," he says. I look at him confused.

"Okay? I see you then I guess."

He kisses me again and rushes out the door. I can't help but wonder what he is up to. I decide to hop in the shower. I let the warm water run down my body. I larger myself with soap and condition my hair. Once I get out of the shower, I rub some cream on my bump and take the pregnancy supplements. I trow on Tobias's oversized shirt once more. I head into the kitchen and grab a muffin. I sit down on the couch and watch TV for a few hours. At 2:00 I decide I should start getting ready. I call up Christina and ask her if she wants to come to help me get ready. Within minutes, she is at my door.

"Come on!" she says, grabbing my arm and leading me into the bathroom. "You didn't leave me much time!" I laugh and sit down in front of the mirror.

"So how is River doing?" she asks.

"She's good," I say. "We haven't felt her kick yet." She nods and smiles. "How are you and Will doing, with all of this?" I ask. She sighs.

"Will is really happy. He doesn't really care that it isn't his baby," she says.

"But what about you?" I ask. She looks at my eyes in the mirror.

"I'm just worried that when the baby gets older he will want to know his real father." She has a few tears in her eyes but she pushes them back.

"Well," I say. "If that happens, I don't think he will reject Will. He is going to be a good father." She nods. "Have you guys thought of names yet?" I ask. She smiles, returning to her happy self.

"We were thinking of Everest for the first name, and Finn for the middle," she says. I smile.

"Everest Finn, I like that," I say. Christina nods and finishes my hair and makeup. I have a bronze smoky eye and red lipstick. My hair is done into loose curls, beach waves, as Christina calls them. Although, neither of us knows what 'beach' is. I decide to wear a black dress it goes down to my knees and is skin-tight, showing off my baby bump. It is long-sleeved because it is winter, December 15th to be exact. I throw on an oversized red flannel over it with my necklace from Tobias.

"You look so pretty Tris! Four is going to love it!" Christina squeals as I pull on my combat boots. I look at the clock. It is 4:46.

"I'm going to head home, Four is going to be here soon," Christina says, wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes.

"Okay," I say pulling her into a hug.

"Thanks for everything," I say.

"Of course!" I wave goodbye to Christina as she walks out the door.

"Love you!" I hear her shout.

"Love you too!" I call back. At 5 o'clock, there is a knock on the door. Tobias stands in the hallway, holding a bouquet of deep red roses.

"You look beautiful," he says smiling.

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