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Tris's POV
"Hmm," Uriah mumbles. "Lynn! Candor or Dauntless?"

Lynn looks skeptical but eventually decides, "Dauntless." Uriah smirks.

"Seven minutes with Sky," he says. Lynn rolls her eyes and the two of them go into the spare bedroom. Seven minutes later, Uriah bangs on the bedroom door. The girls walk out; Sky's hair a little messier than usual. I try to suppress a grin. I like seeing Lynn happy. We play the game for a little while longer before anything interesting happens. When it's finally my turn, I find my victim.

"Christina, C or D?" She looks at me, somewhat worried.

"Dauntless," she says. I smile and look at the clock. It's only 9, so people should still be out and about.

"I dare you to go sit in the middle of the cafeteria until someone asks what you're doing. When they ask, you have to scream at the top of your lungs, 'I lost my mommy!'" Everyone cracks up and Christina flares at me.

"Fine," she says. "Tris, you're coming, though." I nod while still giggling. I give Tobias a kiss on the cheek and head out with Christina.

"So, when are you due?" she asks me.

"May 4," I tell her.

"Really!" she squeals. "I'm May 1!" I smile and link arms with her as we walk. Our bumps are about the same size now. Some people look at us funny as we walk down the long dark hallways. Soon, we reach the Dining Hall. Luckily for me, there are loads of people having late night cake.

"Trisss," she whines. "Can we please get cake first?" I try to resist, but end up saying yes. We get some cake and sit down at a somewhat empty table. We eat and talk for a while. Once we are done, it's time to start the dare.

"Go!" I urge Christina. She groans. I give her a light push.

"I'm going, I'm going," she says. I laugh. Christina sits down in the middle of a clearing in the dining hall. She sits crossed legged and a few people start to stare at her. A few moments pass, and nothing happens. She looks at me and I run a finger down my cheek. She tries to stifle a smile as she understands what I'm telling her to do. So after, tears start running down her face. She starts whimpering to add some effect. Christina is a very good actress. I try not to burst out laughing. A woman comes up to her. She is older, probably my mother's age, with black hair and a single pink stripe in the front. She leans down and puts a hand on Christina's shoulder. She says something to her, probably asking what's wrong.

Christina takes a breath and at the top of her lungs yells, "I DON'T KNOW WHERE MY MOMMY IS!" The woman steps back from her and Christina runs over to me. I'm laughing hysterically. Everyone in the dining hall is staring at us. Christina takes my hand at raises it up.

"I found her!" she yells. I keep laughing all the way back to the apartment. When we get back, Christina tells everyone what happened. I sit next to Tobias. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. For the rest of the night, we play C or D and some other games. Once it starts getting later, everyone has left except for Christina and Zeke. The boys sit downstairs in the living room, while Chris and I head up to my room. I feel bad for not hanging out with her lately. I sit down on the bed and she sits next to me.

"So, how are you? How's Everest?" I ask. She smiles faintly.

"I'm good. We're both good," she says. I smile.

"I miss hanging out with you," I say, laughing a bit. Christina smiles too.

"Me too. We've both just been busy I guess." Christina and I hang out for about an hour. We head back downstairs to find Tobias cleaning up.

"Hey, where did Zeke go?" I ask. He shrugs.

"He left about 30 minutes ago." I nod.

"I should get going too," Christina says.

"It's already 1:00." I nod and walk her to the door. I pull her into a hug.

"Good night," I say, letting go.

"Night Tris, love you!" she says walking down the hall.

"Love you too!" I walk back into the living room and wrap myself in Tobias's arms.

Tobias's POV
Tris's small arms wrap around my torso as I'm doing the dishes. I turn off the water, wipe my hands, and turn around to face her. I hug her and rest my chin on her head.

"I'm excited," she whispers against my shirt. I smile, probably looking like an idiot.

"Me too," I say. I kiss her on the head.

"Do you want me to help?" she asks pulling away.

"It's okay, I'm pretty much done. We can finish cleaning up in the morning," I say. Tris nods.

"We should go shower and go to bed. I'm pretty tired." I smile when she says we.

"Sure," I say taking her hand. We walk upstairs and gather our clothes. We take a shower together, cleaning each other. We get out and get dressed. I pull on my black sweatpants and Tris wears one of my shirts. We brush our teeth and climb into bed. Tris lies down next to me, burying her face in my chest.

"I love you," she whispers.

"I love you too," I say, kissing her head. We fall asleep in each other's arms.

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