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~Three months later~
Tris's POV

"Are you sure you are feeling okay," Tobias asks. I nod while holding my stomach.

"Come on, let's sit down." Tobias takes my hand and leads me to the couch. Before we can sit down, I bolt out of his grasp and head to the bathroom. I throw up into the toilet. Tobias bends down next to me, holds my hair, and rubs circles on my back.

"I'm taking you to the infirmary, don't argue," he tells me. Why am I so sick all of a sudden, I think to myself. Maybe it was something I ate? Tobias brings me a pair of black shorts and a black hoodie since I was only wearing a bra before and I threw up on my shorts. I change and slide into some flip-flops and we slowly make our way to the infirmary. It takes us a while, since every few minutes I have to stop. My stomach keeps hurting really bad. We get to the infirmary and while Tobias checks me in, I run into the bathroom and thrown up again. I get up and wash my mouth and face. I go back to the waiting room.

"Did you...?" Tobias asks. I nod. We wait for a few minutes until a nurse comes in and calls my name. She takes Tobias and me into a room. She steps out so I can change into a gown.

"Here, I'll help you," Tobias says. I smile at him and wince as I pull my hoodie over my head. I slip my sweatpants on and pull the gown over my front. Tobias ties it for me in the back. I sit on the bed, Tobias holding my hand, waiting for the nurse to come back.

Tobias's POV
Tris and I sit patiently in the room for the nurse to come back. I hold Tris's hand. She doesn't look well. Her face is as white as a sheet and her lips have a blue tint. Soon the nurse enters.

"Hi, my name is Emily," she says. "Can you tell me what your symptoms are, Tris?" Tris explains about the throwing up, the stomach pains, and the fever I told her she had. The nurse takes her temperature and sure enough, she has a fever of 102 degrees.

"Four?" Emily says. I look up at her. "I am going to have to ask you to wait outside for a moment." I stare at her in disbelief. Tris squeezes my hand.

"It's okay," she says. I nod and step outside the room. I take a seat on the bench next to the door. I hear Tris and Emily talking, but the door muffles what they are saying. I twidle my thumb. What could be making Tris sick? Is River okay? Thoughts swirl around my head. A few moments later, Emily steps out of the room. I immediately stand up.

"Four," she says. I nod. "Tris seems to be in premature labor. Since she's only six months pregnant, she is three months premature. We need to transfer her to Erudit." I stare at her in shock. Tris is in labor? River is coming? What? We aren't ready yet! We don't have a hospital bag, we don't have diapers, we don't have...

"Four!" Emily interrupts my thoughts. "We are going to take Tris to Erudite. You are free to stay with her or run home and grab whatever you guys need. You baby is coming."

Tris's POV
A Dauntless nurse rolls me down a long hallway and out the back door. Tobias takes long strides next to me, never letting go of my hand. We go through two large doors and are at the back of a van. An Erudite nurse opens the back and lifts the gurney that I am on, into the back of the van. She looks familiar for some reason.

"Violette?" I ask. She turns her head and nods.

"Oh my gosh! We thought you were dead!" Violette laughs while putting an IV into the top of my hand.

"No, I was simply drugged and thrown into a closet." She shrugs like it's no big deal. I laugh and so does Tobias.

"You could be Dauntless, you know," I tell her.

"I used to be," she says. Suddenly the van lurches forward.

"It's going to take about 20 minutes!" the driver from the front calls. The entire drive is filled with pain and throwing up. Violette drew some blood so she could run some tests when we get to Erudite. They still don't know why I am sick or why I'm in labor. All I know is, labor hurts. Eventually, I am able to drift off to sleep, considering it's four in the morning on March 14. River could be born today!

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